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24 Jul 2007, 9:17 am
Bill Henderson, law professor and blogger extraordinaire at The Empirical Legal Studies Blog has launched The Law Firms Working Group Website at the University of Indiana Law Center. [read post]
12 Jun 2008, 2:17 pm
[posted by Bill Henderson] As I was catching up on my reading, I ran across an interesting story on four Concord Law grads who were recently admitted to the U.S. [read post]
14 Apr 2010, 6:27 am
[posted by Bill Henderson] Here is a link to a very interesting American Lawyer video interview of Seyfarth Shaw Managing Partner J. [read post]
18 Aug 2008, 9:00 am
Following up my posts on combatting law prof free agency (here and here): Bill Henderson blogs the recent article by New York Law School Dean Richard Matasar -- "one of the truly great deans of our generation" -- Defining Our... [read post]
29 Jun 2009, 6:54 am
[posted by Bill Henderson, crossposted to ELS Blog] NALP has just posted its entry-level starting salary for class of 2008--i.e., the lawyers who started their jobs just as Bear Sterns and Lehman Bros unraveled and the credit markets completely froze... [read post]
16 Oct 2008, 11:50 am
[By Bill Henderson, cross-posted on ELS Blog] Like everyone else, I am struggling to get my head around exactly what happened to produce our current financial crisis. [read post]
23 Feb 2007, 3:14 am
Bill Henderson (Indiana) seeks a theoretically coherent basis for how Moneyball ... principles can produce a more successful law school franchise (a subject I took a preliminary look at in What Law Schools Can Learn from Billy Beane and the... [read post]
7 Apr 2008, 10:00 am
Last fall, Bill Henderson and I collected advice for founding UC-Irvine Dean Erwin Chemerinsky from forty legal education luminaries. [read post]
25 Sep 2008, 4:57 am
[posted by Bill Henderson, cross-posted at ELS Blog] Over at Moneylaw, rankings guru Tom Bell (Chapman) breaks an important story: The University of Michigan Law School has introduced the new Wolverine Scholars program, which is a special admissions program for... [read post]
21 Nov 2008, 2:04 pm
Posted by Jeff Lipshaw I am sitting in the Ropes & Gray Room in Pound Hall at Harvard Law School, next to Bill Henderson, attending a day-long program on the globalization of the legal profession. [read post]
31 Oct 2013, 6:00 am
The government must uphold the Constitution, and as a result, had no choice but to intervene in Henderson's constitutional challenge of Bill 99. [read post]
28 Jan 2012, 2:30 pm
(Kenneth Anderson) Welcome to the blogging world, Bill Henderson and Andy Morriss and their new blog, The Legal Whiteboard. [read post]
1 Nov 2011, 11:05 am
Bill Henderson and Brian Tamanaha are particularly good on the economics of legal education, a topic worth disucssing. [read post]
15 May 2008, 2:24 am
Cinque Henderson explains:I disliked Obama almost instantly. [read post]
16 Feb 2012, 4:09 am
Bill Henderson of Indiana/Maurer School of Law in Bloomington. [read post]
14 Aug 2007, 7:48 am
Bill Henderson at ELS Blog is hosting a forum on law journal submissions and a recent paper that has gotten a lot of blogospheric attention: The Law Review Article Selection Process: Results From a National Study by Jason Nance and Dylan Steinberg, two recent Articles Editors at the U. of Pennsylvania Law Review. [read post]
8 Nov 2010, 3:43 pm
The Am Law Daily recently had the following lede: “Can Bill Henderson, the one-man idea factory and Indiana law professor, do for the study of law firms what Indiana’s most famous academic, Alfred Kinsey, did for the study of sex? [read post]
30 Jun 2009, 3:52 am
Two interesting things to examine on the new legal economy: First, Bill Henderson has a very interesting post on ELS. [read post]
26 Sep 2007, 6:44 am
Paul Caron and Bill Henderson solicited my input for their series "Advice for Erwin Chemerinsky. [read post]
17 Feb 2008, 2:36 am
Norm Keith of Gowling Lafleur Henderson has a brief report on these developments. [read post]