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29 Oct 2020, 10:38 am by Zahavah Levine, Thea Raymond-Sidel
This part examines litigation over how election officials verify that the person who casts a mail ballot is the intended voter and when officials may reject ballots that do not meet the verification requirements. [read post]
29 Dec 2009, 5:46 pm by smtaber
December 29, 2009 – A summary review of environmental law settlements, decisions, regulatory actions and lawsuits filed during the past week. [read post]
13 Oct 2008, 12:12 pm
(RelatIP) New procedure at the Brazilian Patent Office for the application of article 32 of the Industrial Property Law (IP tango)   Canada 30 more candidates add their support for the copyright pledge (Michael Geist) CBC on copyright pledge (Michael Geist) Copyright pledge gains momentum - Green Party and New Democrats Party (NDP) candidates on board (Michael Geist) Conservative Party platform on copyright (EXCESS COPYRIGHT) (Michael Geist) Copyright in local election… [read post]
23 Jan 2009, 1:00 am
(Managing Intellectual Property) (Law360) (Out-Law) ECJ rules German music distributor cannot sell two Bob Dylan compilation albums because Sony owns rights to songs in question: Sony Music Entertainment (Germany) GmbH v Falcon Neue Medien Vertrieb GmbH (IPKat) (Law360) ECJ: Date set for Advocate General’s opinion in L'Oréal SA, Lancôme parfums et beauté & Cie SNC, Laboratoire Garnier & Cie v Bellure NV,… [read post]
1 Jun 2010, 8:16 am by law shucks
Desmarais was quoted in “The Road Less Traveled,” in the America Lawyer’s “Taming Texas” cover story, which referred to his two recent defense jury verdicts in the Eastern District of Texas. [read post]
11 Jun 2015, 9:01 pm by John Dean
Larry was Justice Lewis Powell’s law clerk in 1972-73 when Roe v. [read post]
27 Mar 2023, 9:01 pm by renholding
We examine developments in federal securities litigation involving special purpose acquisition companies. [read post]
4 Nov 2016, 4:39 am by Edith Roberts
” In the Northwestern University Law Review Online, Leah Litman and Shakeer Rahman examine Beckles v. [read post]
13 Jun 2008, 3:40 am
You can separately subscribe to the IP Thinktank Global week in Review at the Subscribe page: [] Highlights this week included: ECJ rules trade mark holders cannot stop honest comparative advertising: O2 Holdings Limited and O2 (UK) Limited v Hutchinson 3G UK Limited: (Out-Law), (Catch Us If You Can!!!) [read post]
4 Apr 2008, 1:00 am
, (Ars Technica), (Patent Prospector), (Washington State Patent Law Blog), (IP Law Observer), (PLI), (PLI), (IP Updates), (Patent Docs), (Peter Zura’s 271 Patent Blog), (The Invent Blog), (IP Spotlight), (Just a Patent Examiner), (Techdirt), (Patent Baristas), (IPBiz), (IPBiz), (Patently-O), (IAM), (IP ThinkTank), (Against Monopoly), (Against Monopoly), (IP Law360), (Hal Wegner), (Ladas & Parry), Global Global - General Virtual monopoly –… [read post]
12 Jul 2017, 5:57 am by Eugene Volokh
The Washington Supreme Court, in a case examining the similarly-worded telephone-harassment statute, has defined “intimidate” to include “compel[ling] to action or inaction (as by threats),” Seattle v. [read post]
16 Aug 2008, 2:43 am
– discussion of Washington Post article on Ismed’s efforts to promote follow-on biologics approval pathway: (Patent Baristas), (Patent Docs), US: Congressional fact-finding on follow-on biologics: (Patent Docs), US: David v Monsanto: Biotechnology patent ‘exhaustion’ after Quanta, Supreme Court petition: (Hal Wegner), US: Ulysses Pharmaceuticals announces issuance of patent for novel class of ant [read post]
16 May 2011, 8:08 pm by The Legal Blog
Justice KG BalakrishnanThe Supreme Court in Selvi & Ors. v State of Karnataka has examined the law relating to the involuntary administration of certain scientific techniques, namely narcoanalysis, polygraph examination and the Brain Electrical Activation Profile (BEAP) test for the purpose of improving investigation efforts in criminal cases. [read post]