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4 Jun 2017, 1:06 pm
(And this is to say nothing of Ed Blum’s spectacularly successful record of defending aggrieved whites subject to “reverse discrimination,” funded by the conservative donor network). [read post]
9 Dec 2010, 3:53 am
" All three companies maintained compliance with laws and regulations. [read post]
16 Oct 2010, 8:34 pm
"--Lawrence Blum, University of Massachusetts, Boston [read post]
23 Feb 2015, 2:55 am
Adrian Storrier (PhD Candidate and Senior Fellow at the Melbourne Law School and Visiting Research Student at Queen Mary University of London) writes about the draft code of practice released by the Australian ISP and telecommunications industry body Communications Alliance.* Getting technical with IP in ChinaKatfriend Kevin Winters addresses the issue of specialist patent courts within the context of the world's largest and currently most patent-active jurisdiction,… [read post]
26 Jan 2022, 3:20 pm
” Bennett Blum, M.D., Inc. v. [read post]
30 Jun 2015, 4:00 am
The order barred the federal government from enforcing the mandate against the groups as long as they comply with certain requirements; women who work for the colleges and non-profits will still have access to birth control, at no cost to the groups. [read post]
19 Dec 2020, 1:57 pm
” [5] Haack at 21. [6] Haack at 22. [7] Haack at 24, citing Blum v. [read post]
4 Jun 2010, 7:31 am
Len Blum About time. [read post]
16 Sep 2011, 3:34 pm
I especially want to thank Professor Gabriella Blum and Benjamin Wittes of the Brookings Institution for being the driving force behind your new Program on Law and Security. [read post]
24 Apr 2018, 4:27 am
Education Week’s School Law Blog, Mark Walsh looks at amicus briefs filed in support of the challengers by “[t]eachers’ unions, colleges and universities, and many higher education groups. [read post]
24 Mar 2010, 8:38 am
Nor do I think it will work for post-Al Qaeda groups. [read post]
27 Feb 2012, 6:47 am
The Texas Tribune’s Morgan Smith profiles Edward Blum, the “driving force” behind the lawsuit, while NPR’s Michel Martin discusses the case with law school deans Kevin Johnson and Jim Chen. [read post]
4 May 2016, 9:30 pm
Gillard now works at Eastern Research Group, where he supports various federal regulatory agencies, including the U.S. [read post]
12 Feb 2011, 1:28 pm
Claude Bruderlein gave a wonderful presentation at the conference this morning, describing in exceptionally candid detail what the process of getting a group of diverse experts in the laws of war to reach consensus on some air war basics. [read post]
20 Sep 2024, 9:05 pm
Blumm of Lewis and Clark Law School argues that U.S. [read post]
7 Jun 2021, 3:22 am
In some parts of the country, Asian-American applicants must score higher than all other racial groups, including whites, to be recruited by Harvard. [read post]
20 Sep 2024, 9:05 pm
Blumm of Lewis and Clark Law School argues that U.S. [read post]
25 Feb 2019, 9:01 pm
There, he considered at length whether Title VII prohibits gender identity discrimination—a question not raised on appeal—and purported to affirm an old Fifth Circuit precedent, Blum v. [read post]
27 Mar 2019, 4:12 am
Joel Goldstein has an analysis of the second argument on Monday, in The Dutra Group v. [read post]
10 Jul 2020, 4:11 am
” Additional commentary on Vance and Mazars comes from Bill Blum, who writes for The Progressive that Roberts’ opinions in both cases “rebuffed Trump’s arguments of sweeping presidential immunity and reaffirmed the bedrock principle that no one — including the President — is above the law. [read post]