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14 Jun 2022, 8:01 am by Dan Bressler
“Canada: Lawyer Who Was Consulted By Another Lawyer Disqualified From Acting Against Other Lawyer” — “2658396 Ontario Inc. v. [read post]
25 May 2022, 8:16 am by Eleonora Rosati
especially a nice dinnerTo be protected a belief must relate to matters which a more than merely trivial, possess an adequate degree of seriousness and it must be a belief on a fundamental problem (R (Williamson) v Secretary of State for Education, paragraph 23), although the belief does not need to govern the entirety of a person’s life (Grainger v Nicholson, paragraph 27).In the initial Employment Tribunal decision in Gray, the Tribunal did not accept that Ms… [read post]
19 May 2022, 6:03 am by Kevin Kaufman
After one year, sales in the state had dropped by 24 percent, but 90 percent of that decline in sales merely represented purchases shifting to neighboring states. [read post]
19 May 2022, 5:01 am by Steve Floyd
” With funding from civil servant donations, diaspora support and the sale of bonds to private citizens, the GERD has become a symbol of national pride. [read post]
19 May 2022, 5:01 am by Steve Floyd
” With funding from civil servant donations, diaspora support and the sale of bonds to private citizens, the GERD has become a symbol of national pride. [read post]
17 May 2022, 9:36 am by Daniel Jin
BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS ADOPTED: Emergency Certified HB 5506 – An Act Adjusting the State Budget for the Biennium Ending June 30, 2023, Concerning Provisions Related to Revenue, School Construction and Other Items to Implement the State Budget and Authorizing and Adjusting Bonds of the State received final approval from the general assembly. [read post]