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19 Sep 2016, 4:00 am by Howard Friedman
: Global, Colonial, and Islamic Perspectives, (September 11, 2016).Satvinder Juss, The Justiciability of Religion, (Forthcoming in the Journal of Law and Religion - Cambridge University Press).Howard Kislowicz, On Collective Constitutional Rights: Lessons for Religious Rights from Language Rights, ((2016) 75 S.C.L.R. (2d) 31).Solomon A. [read post]
26 Jun 2018, 5:58 pm by Samuel Bray
(Exceptions are posts by Stephen Sachs and Howard Wasserman.) [read post]
12 Oct 2011, 10:52 am by Conor McEvily
  (Thanks again to Howard Bashman for the link.) [read post]
22 Apr 2018, 1:30 pm by Marty Lederman
”I am not going to go into much detail here about the merits of the “global injunction” question, which have been extensively debated in a series of recent articles by scholars such as Sam Bray, Amanda Frost, Zayn Siddique, and Howard Wasserman. [read post]
12 Feb 2017, 7:46 am
Equity and Remedies: Injunction and Specific Performance --Samuel Bray, The System of Equitable Remedies --Notes and Questions --Walgreen Co. v. [read post]
3 Feb 2024, 9:52 am by Marty Lederman
In one of my previous posts, I explained why it's unlikely that a majority of the Justices will hold that the Fourteenth Amendment bars Donald Trump from holding federal office. [read post]
8 Oct 2010, 2:14 pm by Roshonda Scipio
Bray ; updated by Ruby Lieberman..Bray, Ilona M., 1962-Berkeley, Calif. : Nolo, 2010.IndiaHD6189 .P375 2010Working the night shift : women in India's call center industry / Reena Patel.Patel, Reena, 1970-Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press, 2010.Intellectual PropertyK1420.5 .D345 2010Copyright, contracts, creat [read post]