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30 Dec 2017, 2:13 pm
Andrew’s note, and Bristows “Review of the Year” when Brian [Cordery] finishes it, are the two must-haves short guides to patents for anyone with an exam coming up. [read post]
15 Nov 2016, 6:06 am
No, its not the start of a joke, but the identities of the three speakers who take the form of Claire Baldock (Boult Wade Tennant), Stuart Baran (Three New Square) and Brian Cordery (Bristows) What: Bringing their unique perspectives, the speakers will be analyzing the Court of Appeal's decision, dealing with the three main aspects of validity, abuse of process and infringement. [read post]
25 Apr 2017, 6:00 am
As it turned out, it was 99% about plausibility and only 1% about Second Medical Use.After an introduction by Brian Cordery (Bristows), who highlighted the importance that the plausibility check has gained in patent validity matters in the UK, Floyd LJ explained the complete history of plausibility in less than 5 minutes and with 5 decision. [read post]
18 Aug 2015, 3:40 am
It seemed clear that, from Dr Bacon’s perspective, the person who set the rules on how salesmen went about their tasks was his immediate boss, one Mr Brian Cordery, but who had not been called to give evidence. [read post]
7 Dec 2016, 11:58 pm
The same panel of experts - Claire Baldock (Boult Wade Tenant), Brian Cordery (Bristows) and Stuart Baran (3 New Square) - that presented at the first seminar reconvened last week to revisit the issues and grapple with new ones raised by the two most recent judgments. [read post]
14 Dec 2022, 11:59 pm
Kluwer IP Law interviewed Brian Cordery, partner at UK law firm Bristows, about his expectations. [read post]
5 Apr 2016, 6:32 am
Brian Cordery sets the stagefor second medical useAfter hearing the views of the IP judiciary, the Fordham audience was treated to a session devoted to second medical use claims, with Brian Cordery (Bristows LLP) moderating the panel. [read post]
14 Mar 2011, 3:50 am
The IPKat learns from his friend Brian Cordery (Bristows) that the Supreme Court has granted permission to appeal in Schlumberger v Electromagnetic Services (noted by the IPKat here). [read post]
10 Oct 2011, 12:31 am
The first asked if anyone knew about this 'mystery case'; the second, later that same day, posted all the necessary information about it, thanks to Brian Cordery (Bristows). [read post]
23 Jul 2019, 8:23 am
Brian Cordery (Bristows) shares these memories:"Working with Henry as a barrister, whether as a Junior or a Leader, was always a rewarding experience. [read post]