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1 Dec 2011, 7:04 am by John Elwood
United States, 11-6602; Cox v. [read post]
28 Apr 2013, 10:39 pm by Shouvik Kumar Guha
The Organization for an International Geographical Indications Network (oriGIn), a producers’ group lobbying in favour of GI, has issued a preliminary list of candidate GIs in the United States, just ahead of a the WIPO Working Group on the Development of the Lisbon System meeting. [read post]
7 Sep 2012, 9:50 am by Florian Mueller
Yesterday, the parties jointly asked the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit for 60 additional days to file their initial pleadings. [read post]
7 Sep 2012, 9:50 am by Florian Mueller
Yesterday, the parties jointly asked the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit for 60 additional days to file their initial pleadings. [read post]
4 Feb 2016, 6:54 pm by Larry
Recent Supreme Court cases, including United States v. [read post]
8 Dec 2014, 4:24 am
 In the United States, there would be little protection against look-alike cantilever chairs if it is plain that what has been emulated is the idea -- which is not protected at all by copyright.Regarding levels of abstraction, should one compare an allegedly infringing use with a trade mark as registered, with the trade mark as used, or on any other basis? [read post]
12 Oct 2022, 10:37 pm by Florian Mueller
" Two recent decisions by different divisions of the Dusseldorf Regional Court show that German judges will effectively apply a "willing licensee" standard akin to what we see in standard-essential patent (SEP) cases all the time--even where a proportionality defense is raised in a non-SEP dispute.There was a little bit of a discussion after the IP Bridge v. [read post]
23 Jan 2014, 9:37 am by John Elwood
Bridges 13-657Issue: Whether the Commerce Clause of the United States Constitution allows States to tax goods distributed by out-of-state wholesalers more heavily than goods distributed by in-state wholesalers. [read post]
7 Feb 2008, 2:15 am
These grants are integral to New Jersey's homeland security efforts and provided the state with $14 million last year alone. v Eliminates Key Funding for Police Officers. [read post]
27 Apr 2018, 6:00 am by Kyle Kroll
Patent and Trademark Office’s Patent Trial and Appeal Board (“PTAB”) as constitutional in Oil States v. [read post]