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17 Jun 2008, 4:25 pm
I was resisting saying anything about the late NBC Washsington Bureau Chief, but Slate's Jack Shafer has a piece up on "The Canonization of Tim Russert," which says most of what I would have wanted to say (and says it better) (link, and thanks, John). [read post]
11 Jun 2008, 4:48 am
Buce reading club has been Le Rouge et Le Noir (in Penguin English Scarlet and Black). [read post]
27 Apr 2008, 5:55 pm
Buce caught up with the show today at the Palookaville multiplex and we can see what the excitement is about. [read post]
23 Apr 2008, 8:33 am
My buddy, Buce over at Underbelly, has a post up using the concept of option value to help explain why more people are not walking away from their underwater homes. [read post]
15 Apr 2008, 5:15 pm
Getting ready for tonight's PBS special on health care (cf. link)--somebody must have thought of this, but I haven't seen it elsewhere so I will make the point now. [read post]
11 Apr 2008, 11:42 am
HBO's Rome played to great acclaim lately on the big screen at Il Teatro Buce, so we decided we'd take a flutter on "the rest of the story"â€â [read post]
5 Apr 2008, 7:58 pm
Buce says, they'd be a lot better off setting fire to the chair. [read post]
23 Mar 2008, 8:29 pm
Buce undertook an Easter afternoon stroll through Palookaville's capacious public park. [read post]
15 Mar 2008, 10:06 pm
Buce just finished a readaloud of Faulkner's Light in August, and I suspect it's probably his best. [read post]
8 Mar 2008, 9:04 am
Buce regaled me over the breakfast table this morning with snippets from the SF Chron review of The Middle Class Millionaire, by Russ Alan Prince and Lewis Schiff (link). [read post]
3 Feb 2008, 11:42 am
Here are some examples from the opening pages of Light in August, the current readaloud selection at the Buce library, together with suggested translations: "I reckon I got a few days left. [read post]
30 Jan 2008, 9:44 am
Two very thoughtful posts by Buce at Underbelly are worth reading. [read post]
16 Jan 2008, 5:03 pm
Buce groupies will know that my other avatar is as a teacher and sometimes practitioner of bankruptcy law. [read post]
15 Jan 2008, 11:33 am
Also Kleiman (link):Mark Kleiman's with me that Mitt Romney would make the least-bad president of anyone in the field. [read post]
9 Jan 2008, 10:13 am
Nancy has tackled the immediate issues, so I will have to go for the big picture:Headline I most fear seeing in 2008: Archduke Shot; Titanic Sinks; Dopey Guy in Figleaf Accepts Gift of Apple from WifeHeadline I most want to see in 2008: Buce Showered with Riches, Fame, Power, Love of Beautiful WomenHeadline I most expect to see in 2008: Buce Not Showered with Riches, Fame, Power, Love of Beautiful Women.Headline I least expect to see in 2008: Dopey Guy in Figleaf Not Married… [read post]
3 Jan 2008, 10:30 pm
Apparently the film counted as an important cultural event in its time but I wasn't paying attention; I learned of it only last year and saw it for the first time last night on the big screen at Il Teatro Buce. [read post]