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7 Jul 2009, 12:18 pm
By JAMES ELLIS - Tuesday, June 16, 2009Burl Cain, 67, is warden of the tough Louisiana State Penitentiary, known as Angola. [read post]
7 Jun 2011, 6:11 am by brian
One of the most outspoken people realizing that many of these elderly folks don't need to be locked up is Burl Cain — the warden of Louisiana State Penitentiary, the largest prison in the state. [read post]
6 Jun 2011, 1:06 pm by Rachel Myers, ACLU
One of the most outspoken people realizing that many of these elderly folks don't need to be locked up is Burl Cain — the warden of Louisiana State Penitentiary, the largest prison in the state. [read post]
7 Oct 2013, 5:32 am by Timothy P. Flynn
 The program has met with success according to Burl Cain, Angola's warden for the past 18-years; he says the bible college has calmed his institution down.This is a really good idea and it is taking root. [read post]
30 May 2012, 9:02 am by Rekha Arulanantham
We've forged an unlikely alliance with Burl Cain, the warden of Louisiana's largest and most famous prison, the Louisiana State Penitentiary at Angola, to reduce the number of nonviolent inmates. [read post]
5 Jun 2012, 2:52 pm by Rekha Arulanantham
We worked on that bill with unlikely allies – Burl Cain (the warden of Angola State Penitentiary) and the Louisiana Conference of Catholic Bishops. [read post]
8 May 2008, 5:28 am
  "I love that bear being right where it is," said Warden Burl Cain, proud owner of a name perfectly suited for being the warden of a prison in Louisiana. [read post]
One of the most outspoken people realizing that many of these elderly folks don't need to be locked up is Burl Cain — the warden of Louisiana State Penitentiary, the largest prison in the state. [read post]
18 Nov 2007, 8:02 am
But inside the Louisiana State Penitentiary here, many of these black sheep of society lead shadow lives as artists, newspaper editors, country singers, and, five times a year, stars of a prison rodeo and arts-and-crafts fair.... [read post]
21 May 2012, 7:53 am by ebcarpenter
“Something has to be done — it just has to be done — about the long sentences,” said Angola Warden Burl Cain. [read post]
24 May 2012, 7:10 pm by ebcarpenter
He looked around incredulously at his surroundings — a late summer Sunday afternoon in the Louisiana State Penitentiary’s west yard, men playing basketball and lifting weights, stray cats sunning themselves on concrete ledges, an idyllic scene if one did not look to the barbed wire fences in the distance. [read post]
30 May 2012, 5:45 pm by ebcarpenter
Arabie is also, in the opinion of Warden Burl Cain and many others, perhaps the most rehabilitated man in the Louisiana State Penitentiary at Angola – a model inmate who has turned his life around, learned a trade and prepared himself about as well as one can for life as a free man. [read post]
5 Sep 2021, 1:15 pm by John Floyd
Rather than contract for a prison building contract, Mississippi elected to entice former Louisiana State Penitentiary Warden Burl Cain to become the state’s corrections chief. [read post]