Your search Burwell D. Manning, Jr.; Eastern Corn and Grain Co., Inc.,plaintiffs-appellants, v. South Carolina Department of Highway and Publictransportation; Victor S. Evans, Deputy Attorneygeneral for the State of South Carolina,defendants-appellees,andstate of South Carolina; Paul Cobb, Chief Highwaycommissioner; Sidney O. Holstein, Chief Highwayright-of-way Engineer; B.g. Cloyd, Division Administrator,federal Highway Administration; Ramson S. Richardson,right-of-way Engineer, Federal Highway Administration; Billrice, Federal Highway Administration; Norman Snowden,federal Highway Administration; William Nimmer,individually and As Past or Present Member of Thecondemnation Board; John Perry, Individually and As Past Orpresent Member of the Condemnation Board; C. Gradymatthews, Individually and As Past or Present Member of Thecondemnation Board; William F. Austin; John Doe; Richardroe, Being Individuals Employed in the Federal and Stategovernments Unknown to the Plaintiffs, All Individually Andin Their Past or Present Official Capacities, Defendants did not match any document.