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26 Mar 2013, 2:38 pm by constitutional lawblogger
The first of the two closely-watched same sex marriage cases to be argued before the United States this morning prompted much tweeting and predictions, as well as the promised early release of the audio by the Supreme Court itself. [read post]
17 Jul 2020, 9:36 am by Mashel Law, L.L.C.
On July 8, 2020, the United States Supreme Court narrowed employment protections from state and federal anti-discrimination laws for religious schoolteachers. [read post]
10 Jul 2018, 11:37 am by Catherine V. Wadhwani
District Court for the Eastern District of California issued its ruling in United States of America v. [read post]
31 Aug 2022, 6:32 am
In January 2010, decades of legal precedent were overturned when the Supreme Court, in Citizens United v. [read post]
31 Aug 2022, 6:32 am
In January 2010, decades of legal precedent were overturned when the Supreme Court, in Citizens United v. [read post]
24 May 2019, 2:03 pm by Kent Scheidegger
This confirms that the trend I noted with full-year, state-total data in this post last year, that there was a shift in the relative rates after Realignment and Proposition 47, but since then California has tracked the trend of the rest of the country, though at its new, higher level.For violent crimes, the California cities in the sample had essentially no change, a drop of 0.6%, while the comparable cities in the rest of the country enjoyed a continuing decline of… [read post]
18 Jun 2015, 12:58 pm by Bryan W. Wenter and Ronny Clausner
In essence, the CBIA’s challenge was based on the “unconstitutional conditions” doctrine from the Supreme Court of the United States’ Nollan v California Coastal Commission and Dolan v. [read post]
31 Oct 2023, 11:39 am
Given Pruneyard -- which, I get, was rendered in an era in which California courts were perhaps more strongly free speech oriented than today -- I think that the state court might well have been more solicitous of the state law constitutional claim than federal judges.Plaintiff can still take its shot in the United States Supreme Court, but I don't think that'll go anywhere. [read post]
25 Jun 2022, 9:03 pm by Dan Flynn
And those 26 states have now been joined by the Solicitor General of the United States. [read post]
26 May 2014, 9:01 pm by Joanna L. Grossman
The landscape changed dramatically, however, in 2013, with the Supreme Court’s ruling in United States v. [read post]
9 Mar 2018, 4:20 am by Immigration Prof
Listen to this extended NPR discussion of United States v. [read post]
28 Aug 2012, 4:21 pm by Josephine Liu
  As we blogged about here, the Supreme Court’s decision earlier this year in United States v. [read post]
26 Feb 2010, 3:32 am by Daniel E. Cummins
Friend, the United States Supreme Court addressed the confusion among state courts regarding the appropriate standard to establish a corporate or company defendant's place of business in a diversity case. [read post]