Your search Carol Floyd, Carla Floyd, Mary Ann Drake,plaintiffs-appellants, Cross-appellees, v. Iris Waiters, Security Chief, Board of Public Education Andorphanage for Bibb County, William Decker Booker,security Guard, Board of Publiceducation and Orphanage Forbibb County, Defendants,kenneth Bronson, Security Guard, Board of Public Educationand Orphanage for Bibb County, John Nicholson, Head Ofoperations, Board of Public Education and Orphanage for Bibbcounty, Stephen Massey, President, Board of Public Educationand Orphanage for Bibb County, Thomas Hagler,superintendent, Board of Public Education and Orphanage Forbibb County, Harry Tinker, Defendants-appellees, Cross-appellants did not match any document.