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24 Nov 2017, 6:00 am by Doug Cornelius
[More…] Gibson Dunn Discusses Proposed Changes to CFIUS Review by Judith Alison Lee, Caroline Krass, Jose Fernandez and Stephanie Connor The proposed Foreign Investment Risk Review Modernization Act of 2017 (“FIRRMA”) would modernize the CFIUS review and approval process, which has struggled to keep pace with a surge of foreign investment in the United States over the last several years. [read post]
21 Apr 2017, 1:30 pm by Julie Hail Flory
” “Scott Baker is among the very best in his field,” said Nancy Staudt, dean of the law school and the Howard and Caroline Cayne Professor of Law. [read post]
9 Nov 2016, 6:58 pm
Not so long ago, Caroline Little, CEO of the Newspaper Association of America, Washington, D.C., proclaimed that "Our free press, protected by the first constitutional amendment, plays a critical role in ensuring that every American has constant access to important and trustworthy news. [read post]
17 Oct 2016, 8:00 pm by Jan von Hein
Yours faithfully, Susanne Gössl, Rafael Harnos, Leonhard Hübner, Malte Kramme, Tobias Lutzi, Michael Müller, Caroline Rupp, Johannes Ungerer [read post]
27 Jan 2016, 10:41 am by Tom Kosakowski
Ombuds United States Legal Update, presented by Charles Howard and Caroline Adams12. [read post]
22 Jan 2016, 8:12 am by John Elwood
But there is still a healthy chance of a grant; just ask Caroline Behrend. [read post]
12 Jan 2016, 9:48 am by VALL Blog Master
·         Caroline Osborne, Washington and Lee University School of Law, Privacy, Archives & the Digital Age·         Stephanie Miller, Washington and Lee University School of Law, Managing Online Presence for Students and Professionals·         Terry Long, VALL members also hosted a table at the conference exhibit hall with much… [read post]
30 Sep 2015, 4:01 pm
The most frequently-visited blogpost remains Catherine Lee's June 2011 item, "Goodbye Cathy: Hello Kitty and Miffy settle copycat case", here, which has been visited more than 239,000 times. [read post]
14 Aug 2015, 4:15 pm
., Ltd.Antitakeover Measures in Chinese Corporate Governance: Rethinking IPOs in ChinaHan Sirui, Chinese University of Hong KongInformality Matters: Enforcement of Securities Laws in ChinaXi Chao, Chinese University of Hong KongSession 3: Zhengfa: In Pursuit of the Component Elements for a Theory of Chinese LawPanel Chair: Prof He Xin, City University of Hong KongThe Ideological Grammar of Chinese LawRogier Creemers, University of OxfordThe Narrative Building Blocks for the 4th Plenum: Developing… [read post]
30 Jun 2015, 4:06 pm
The most frequently-visited blogpost remains Catherine Lee's June 2011 item, "Goodbye Cathy: Hello Kitty and Miffy settle copycat case", here, which has been visited more than 239,000 times. [read post]
12 Apr 2015, 12:30 am by Emily Prifogle
Lindsay's Murder State: California's Native American Genocide 1846-1873 (University of Nebraska Press).Salon has an excerpt from Dream Chasers: Immigration and the American Backlash by John Tirman (MIT Press).New Books has an interview with the editors of Democratizing Inequalities: Dilemma of the New Public Participation (NYU Press)--Caroline Lee, Michael McQuarrie, and Edward Walker.Kevin Kruse has an excerpt of his new book, One… [read post]
7 Apr 2015, 9:42 am
The most frequently-visited blogpost remains Catherine Lee's June 2011 item, "Goodbye Cathy: Hello Kitty and Miffy settle copycat case", here, which has been visited more than 239,000 times. [read post]
2 Mar 2015, 4:00 am by Ray Dowd
@rbharringtonHemmings, Mary @maryhemmingsHenning, Coral @coralhHepler, Chrissy @chrissyheplerHeym, Robert @robertheymHolmes, Elizabeth @bethgholmesHood, Isabel @amusedmusingsHuddleston, Brian @bhuddleJenkins, Mary @jenkinsmJones, Caroline F. [read post]
6 Feb 2015, 6:00 am by Bridget Crawford
Cooper jennifercooper Seattle Sarah Lucy Cooper SarahLucyCoope1 Birmingham City (UK) Caroline Mala Corbin CarolineMCorbin Miami Richard  Cornes  CornesLawNZUK  Essex (UK) Nathan Cortez nathancortez SMU Brenda Cossman BrendaCossman Toronto Adam Cox adambcox NYU Carys Craig CraigCarys Osgoode Hall Bridget Crawford profbcrawford Pace Susan Crawford scrawford Cardozo Dennis Crouch patentlyo Missouri César Cuauhtémoc Garcia Hernandez crimmigration Capital Emma… [read post]
5 Feb 2015, 9:01 pm by John Dean
Lau, who in 2007 assembled another team to join him—Lee Sigelman of George Washington University and Ivy Brown Rovner of Rutgers—to re-examine the issue. [read post]
4 Feb 2015, 10:20 am
I am pleased to co-chair the board, along with co-chairs Lee Otis, Senior Vice President and Faculty Division Director of the Federalist Society; Caroline Fredrickson, President of the American Constitution Society; and Rick Pildes, Sudler Family Professor of Constitutional Law at NYU School of Law. [read post]
28 Jan 2015, 1:58 pm by Lydia Zuraw
Barbara Lee (D-CA), Louise Slaughter (D-NY), James Langevin (D-RI), Bobby Rush (D-IL), Charles Rangel (D-NY), Jim McDermott (D-WA) and Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC). [read post]
23 Jan 2015, 4:44 am by Bridget Crawford
Cooper jennifercooper Seattle Caroline Mala Corbin CarolineMCorbin Miami Nathan Cortez nathancortez SMU Brenda Cossman BrendaCossman Toronto Adam Cox adambcox NYU Carys Craig CraigCarys Osgoode Hall Bridget Crawford profbcrawford Pace Susan Crawford scrawford Cardozo Dennis Crouch patentlyo Missouri César Cuauhtémoc Garcia Hernandez crimmigration Capital Emma Cunliffe emmajcunliffe Univ British Columbia Lawrence Cunningham CunninghamProf George Washington Karen Czapanskiy… [read post]
6 Jan 2015, 12:19 am by Caroline Ncube
The second volume of the SA Intellectual Property Law Journal, published by Juta Law and edited by Lee-Ann Tong & Caroline Ncube is now available.Juta Law is a RoMEO white publisher and the full length articles are not immediately available online to non-subscribers. [read post]