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17 Aug 2009, 4:24 pm
Carolyn Elefant found some sage advice last week during a trip to the Banana Republic. [read post]
3 Feb 2010, 8:20 pm
If you have any additional questions, contact Carolyn Elefant at or Julie Tower Pierce at [read post]
19 Jun 2009, 4:00 am
Carolyn Elefant makes a great point on Nolo's Legal Marketing Blog that you need to pay attention to your Wikipedia entry. [read post]
20 Aug 2008, 9:46 pm
Carolyn Elefant picks up Dan Hull discussing the tendency of lawyers to be risk-averse. [read post]
14 Nov 2007, 6:42 pm
Carolyn Elefant picked up on University of Texas Law Professor Brian Leiter's post that blogs may hinder a law professor's professional prospects. [read post]
26 Jan 2023, 3:31 pm
Inspired by Carolyn Elefant’s webinar this afternoon on the use of ChatGPT in the marketing of your legal practice through writing an Ebook, I started playing with ChatGPT a little bit more on the legal blogging front. [read post]
14 Oct 2015, 8:59 am
Just because Carolyn Elefant can do it (read her story) doesn't mean you can. [read post]
12 Nov 2024, 2:00 am
My tech colleagues, Nicole Black and Carolyn Elefant, posted today about how ChatGPT sees us. [read post]
15 Nov 2007, 8:26 am
A popular blawg is Carolyn Elefant’s ”My Shingle” at [] which she has been running since December 2002. [read post]
27 Nov 2007, 1:44 am
Carolyn Elefant’s blog post title - Life for Law Firm Marketers: Brutish, and Ultimately Short - summarizes the lot of law firm marketers. [read post]
3 Dec 2024, 7:25 pm
The Right Way to Use GenAI to Draft a Brief, Carolyn Elefant (December 2024) – “It’s been two years since the public release of ChatGPT and lawyers are still using it improperly and facing sanctions, as reported last week in Reuters about an incident in the Eastern District of Texas/ Instead of wringing our hands or using stories like these to hawk pricey commercial products (spoiler alert: the lawyer claimed he used a feature on LEXIS AI to verify citations),… [read post]
18 Sep 2023, 8:00 pm
Via LinkedIn – Lawyer Carolyn Elefant on TikTok – her site is “Watch #AI parse the 500 page #DonaldTrumpdeposition and cherry pick the instances where he arguably exaggerated his net worth which is one of the fact issues in the case. [read post]
30 Sep 2009, 8:16 am
In July of this year, on Nolo's Legal Marketing Blawg, Carolyn Elefant penned a post entitled, "Tag(line), You're It! [read post]
13 May 2009, 9:58 am is a popular web site published by Carolyn Elefant. [read post]
19 Mar 2009, 9:10 am
Carolyn Elefant has detailed the problem in Legal Blog Watch as has Bruce MacEwen in his Adam Smith, Esq., whom she cited. [read post]
19 Dec 2007, 3:17 pm
In light of very recent events on a listserve, this post by Carolyn Elefant at MyShingle is particularly amusing (to me). [read post]
30 Jul 2006, 12:24 pm
WHY BIGLAW WON'T RESPOND TO RFPs Recently, Carolyn Elefant, who seems to have more on the ball than most of the larger firms, reported on the peculiar phenomenon in which the larger law firms seem reluctant to respond to RFPs from corporate counsel. [read post]
3 Mar 2015, 10:57 pm
Solo practioner and author, Carolyn Elefant (@carolynelefant) asks what would want to make you work as a lawyer for a small law firm. [read post]
19 Jul 2006, 8:32 am
After Evan Schaeffer posted A Collection of Free Online Writing Resources, Carolyn Elefant asked for good writing samples, not just more guides. [read post]
26 Jan 2008, 8:08 am
Congratulations, Carolyn. [read post]