Your search Charles Minchella, A/k/a Charles Mitchell, Appellant, v. the Estate of Honorable W. Mckay Skillman, Judge of Therecorder's Court Ofthe City of Detroit, Deceased, Honorablefrank G. Schemanske, Judge of Therecorder's Court of Thecity of Detroit (assistant Prosecuting Attorney,waynecounty,michigan, 1931-1934), the Estate of Harry S.toy, Deceased, (prosecutingattorney, Wayne County, Michigan,1931-1934), W. Gomer Krise, (chief Assistantrposecutingattorney, Wayne County, Michigan, 1931-1934), Chester A.griffith,detective Sergeanton the Metropolitan Police Force,detroit, 1929-1930-1931-1932-1933-1934-1935and 1936, Andherbert L. Hines, a Detective on the Metropolitan Policeforce,detroit, for 20 Years at Recorder's Court of Detroitin 1931, Individually Andseverally,appellees did not match any document.