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13 Jan 2025, 9:02 pm by Guest Opinion
By Steven Grossman Chuck Jolley of Food Safety News recently wrote to me and several others asking: With so many high-profile recalls in 2024, have the federal, state, and local institutions responsible for oversight suddenly failed us? [read post]
10 Oct 2009, 7:05 pm
Chuck Jolley is a free lance writer, based in Kansas City, who covers a wide range of ag industry topics for and [read post]
6 Feb 2009, 7:10 am
"  Cattlenetworks – Chuck Jolley I called Marler to ask a few pointed questions. [read post]
12 Jul 2010, 2:59 am
"It will be a special evening to formally honor a 'who's who' of the industry," said Chuck Jolley, Meat Industry Hall of Fame President and co-founder. [read post]
7 Jul 2018, 9:00 pm by Dan Flynn
Chuck Jolley, who handles our sales and marketing will be there along with frequent availability from Beach, writer Kelsey M. [read post]
1 Apr 2018, 2:06 pm by ADVERTISEMENT
Food Safety News 1012 First Avenue, Fifth Floor Seattle, WA  98104www.foodsafetynews.comAdvertising Director Chuck Jolley: crjolley60@yahoo.comManaging Editor Coral Beach: cbeach@foodsafetynews.comBooth No. 924 [read post]
24 Dec 2009, 6:27 am by Bill Marler
Food Bloggers - Simple, Good and Tasty, Cold Truth, Ag and Food Law, Civil Eats, Grist, Weaversway, Food Politics, Ethicurean, La Vida Locavore, Obamafoodorama, Food Shield, efoodalert, Fanatic Cook, Fresh Talk, Center for a Liveable Future, Chuck Jolley, Food Law, Buy Safe Eat Well and Barf Blog. [read post]
24 Feb 2023, 9:01 pm by News Desk
I want to thank the New Jersey Association for Justice for their recognition of our work, and for the tireless efforts of everyone at Food Safety News— Dan Flynn, Coral Beach, Joe Whitworth, Chuck Jolley and Cookson Beecher. [read post]
15 Jan 2015, 10:01 pm by Dan Flynn
While several well-known individuals involved in animal agriculture, such as animal-welfare expert Temple Grandin and Meat Industry Hall of Fame President Chuck Jolley, have argued for transparency, the Montana Stockgrowers may be the first major ag group to pick up on such advice. [read post]
26 Feb 2023, 1:58 pm by Bill Marler
I want to thank the New Jersey Association for Justice for their recognition of our work, and for the tireless efforts of everyone at Food Safety News— Dan Flynn, Coral Beach, Joe Whitworth, Chuck Jolley and Cookson Beecher. [read post]
27 Aug 2023, 9:05 pm by Jonan Pilet
Chuck Jolley, FSN’s Sales and Marketing Director, encapsulated the enduring impact of individuals who defy conventions and champion a cause: “I met Bill 15 years ago when we were establishing the Meat Industry Hall of Fame. [read post]
30 Jun 2011, 6:04 pm
His blog, is avidly read by the food safety and legal communities. 2011 - More Stomach Churning Facts About E. coli New York Times, Mark Bittman, June 8. 2011 - Bill Marler: A Personal Injury Attorney and More The Xemplar, Nicole Black, June 1 2011 - Good Food Hero: Bill Marler, Food Safety Attorney Good Food World, Gail Nickel-Kailing, May 23 2011 - Poisoned: The True Story of the Deadly E. coli Outbreak that Changed the Way Americans Eat Inspire Books, Jeff Benedict, May 15.… [read post]
28 Apr 2010, 2:59 am
  FDA has always said that was never its intent, but now that statement of intent is actually in the bill, where it appropriately belongs.Editor's Note:  This article was written by Chuck Jolley, special to Food Safety News. [read post]
29 Nov 2010, 1:59 am
 The big handlers, distributors and retailers appear less enthusiastic.Editor's note: With Senate action on the Food Safety Bill approaching, we received more opinion pieces than we had space in our format, so these contributions from Roland McReynolds and Chuck Jolley are being posted in the news section. [read post]
4 Jul 2015, 10:01 pm by Dan Flynn
Temple Grandin and Beef Industry Hall of Fame President Chuck Jolley, who have urged the industry to open up if they want to maintain public confidence as more people want to know what goes on inside animal agriculture. [read post]
30 Jun 2011, 9:25 pm
His blog, is avidly read by the food safety and legal communities. 2011 - More Stomach Churning Facts About E. coli New York Times, Mark Bittman, June 8. 2011 - Bill Marler: A Personal Injury Attorney and More The Xemplar, Nicole Black, June 1 2011 - Good Food Hero: Bill Marler, Food Safety Attorney Good Food World, Gail Nickel-Kailing, May 23 2011 - Poisoned: The True Story of the Deadly E. coli Outbreak that Changed the Way Americans Eat Inspire Books, Jeff Benedict, May 15.… [read post]
29 Apr 2010, 2:59 am
  Spreading the net too wide will doom the effort to failure, waste taxpayer resources, and not help create a safer food supply.See Part I of the discussion from yesterday on what the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition likes about S. 510, what concerns the coalition has with the bill, and whether proposed amendments to S. 510 that have been introduced to help small, sustainable agriculture will jeopardize food safety.Editor's Note:  This article was written by Chuck… [read post]
13 Dec 2006, 7:17 pm
Bowers, Frederick Boyce, Chris Boyd, Heather Boyer, Kent Boyer, Dennis Boyle, Carl Brackpool, Jon Bradley, Darin Brannan, Aaron Bratrude, Rich Braun, Michael Breault, John Brehm, Chuck Brennan, Craig Brenner, Will Briegel, Ludy Brito, Paul Chandler Britton, Jeannine Broadwell, David Brogden, Sean Brophy, Brady Brosnahan, David Brouda, Hilary Brown, Kayenta Brown, Matthew Brown, Monika Brown, Roger L. [read post]
26 Nov 2022, 9:07 pm by Bill Marler
NICE:  Food Bloggers – Simple, Good and Tasty, Cold Truth, Ag and Food Law, Civil Eats, Grist, Weaversway, Chuck Jolley, Food Politics, Ethicurean, La Vida Locavore, Obamafoodorama, Food Shield, efoodalert, Fanatic Cook, Fresh Talk, Center for a Liveable Future, Food Law, Buy Safe Eat Well and Barf Blog. [read post]
25 Nov 2022, 6:10 pm by Bill Marler
NICE:  Food Bloggers – Simple, Good and Tasty, Cold Truth, Ag and Food Law, Civil Eats, Grist, Weaversway, Chuck Jolley, Food Politics, Ethicurean, La Vida Locavore, Obamafoodorama, Food Shield, efoodalert, Fanatic Cook, Fresh Talk, Center for a Liveable Future, Food Law, Buy Safe Eat Well and Barf Blog. [read post]