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22 Dec 2013, 4:10 pm
"The government seems to be trying to reset the clock to before June 2013 or even December 2005," said Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) Legal Director Cindy Cohn in a statement. [read post]
22 Dec 2013, 4:10 pm
"The government seems to be trying to reset the clock to before June 2013 or even December 2005," said EFF Legal Director Cindy Cohn in a statement. [read post]
21 Dec 2013, 4:21 pm
"The government seems to be trying to reset the clock to before June 2013 or even December 2005," said EFF Legal Director Cindy Cohn. [read post]
6 Nov 2013, 1:47 pm
The San Francisco event's kickoff will be held at the Internet Archive and will feature speeches by EFF Legal Director Cindy Cohn and others. [read post]
23 Oct 2013, 9:33 am
Kirk Wiebe, NSA whistleblower Mark Klein, AT&T whistleblower who revealed the telecommunications company’s collaboration with the NSA in collecting customer data Thomas Drake, NSA whistleblower Cindy Cohn, Legal Director at the Electronic Frontier Foundation Dan Choi, LGBTQ activist and Iraq War veteran Lawrence Lessig, Roy L. [read post]
10 Sep 2013, 10:53 am
"The First Amendment guarantees the freedom to associate and express political views as a group," EFF legal director Cindy Cohn said. [read post]
22 Jul 2013, 9:58 am
Cindy Cohn, EFF: Intermediaries feel like they are having 2 way conversation between them and content owners, but the users should be part of the conversation too. [read post]
29 Mar 2013, 3:38 pm
Keynote Address Cindy Cohn, Legal Director & General Counsel, Electronic Frontier Foundation None of this is new. [read post]
10 Aug 2012, 12:55 pm
" See Also 9th Circuit Dismisses Al Haramain Case [EFF – Cindy Cohn] Twitter Withholds Information from Police After Troll Threatens Murder? [read post]
17 Jul 2012, 9:04 pm
These votes come from those members that regularly appear in court.And your winners are:CIRCUIT COURTTop rated as Exceptionally Qualified:Judge Stan Blake - 71%Judge Beth Bloom - 53%Judge Joel Brown - 50%Judge Cindy Lederman - 50%Lowest Percentage of Unqualified votes:Judge Blake - 1.32%Judge Dennis Murphy - 3.56%Judge Bloom - 4.24%Judge Darrin Gayles - 4.52%Highest Percentage of Unqualified votes:Judge Gisela Cardonne Ely - 32%Judge Maria Espinosa Dennis - 23%Judge Maria Korvick -… [read post]
13 Jul 2012, 3:30 am
The group’s executive director, Shari Steele, told the federal judge presiding over the matter that the group backed the settlement. (.pdf) The group’s legal director, Cindy Cohn, explained in a telephone interview that the San Francisco-based group supported the plan for budgetary reasons. [read post]
5 Jun 2012, 8:14 am
Harold Steven Bonenberger, 12-60125-CR-COHN Bonenberger, 56, of Carlsbad, California, was CEO of Angel Acquisition Corp. [read post]
5 Jun 2012, 8:14 am
Harold Steven Bonenberger, 12-60125-CR-COHN Bonenberger, 56, of Carlsbad, California, was CEO of Angel Acquisition Corp. [read post]
4 Jun 2012, 6:19 am
Cindy Cohn, the EFF’s legal director, said the site’s 13-month seizure by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement bureau highlights the RIAA’s influence over the government. [read post]
31 May 2012, 9:13 am
. “They could do no more than speculate that perhaps the government did not obtain a required FISA warrant before engaging in electronic surveillance,” Richard Samp, the foundation’s attorney, told the appeals court in a filing. (.pdf) The Electronic Frontier Foundation also weighed in with a friend-of-the-court filing. (.pdf) “The dangers of allowing the executive unfettered power to use the state secrets privilege to turn the Constitution on and off at will are… [read post]
3 May 2012, 2:00 pm
Cindy Cohn, the EFF’s legal director, said the site’s 13-month seizure by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement bureau highlights the RIAA’s influence over the government. [read post]
23 Mar 2012, 8:42 am
“Restrictions from the Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security still appear to prevent communications tools and services from being exported to Syrians without a license,” Electronic Frontier Foundation attorneys Cindy Cohn and Jillian York write in an essay. [read post]
11 Mar 2012, 4:00 am
Cindy Greenbaum has been hired a the newest TTAB judge. [read post]
10 Mar 2012, 5:02 pm
Cindy Cohn, legal director of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, was on the other. [read post]
2 Feb 2012, 1:14 pm
By Venkat Balasubramani, with comments from Eric. [read post]