Search for: "City of Fresno v. California" Results 41 - 60 of 125
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12 Dec 2018, 7:43 am by John Elwood
The case involves salaries for the Fresno County, California, school system, which sets employees’ current salaries by considering their prior salaries. [read post]
3 Sep 2018, 8:00 am by Mike Habib, EA
Inѕtеаd, іt еnѕurеѕ thаt the tax authority gеtѕ fіrѕt tо сlаіm over оthеr creditors vуіng fоr thе іndіvіduаl’ѕ or buѕіnеѕѕ’ рrореrtу. [read post]
28 Mar 2018, 9:33 am by Ad Law Defense
  California Gillnetters Assn. v. [read post]
28 Dec 2017, 10:37 am by Alysha Stein-Manes
  Other cities, including Riverside, Fresno, Bakersfield, Pasadena, and Anaheim have elected to prohibit recreational sales, either permanently or temporarily. [read post]
10 Jan 2017, 8:56 am by Abbott & Kindermann
County of Fresno, S219783 (F066798, 226 Cal.App.4th 704); Fresno County Superior Court; 11CECG00706, 11CECG00709, 11CECG00726.) [read post]