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22 Feb 2012, 12:14 pm by Roy Ginsburg
In adopting the ministerial exception, the Court distinguished its prior holding in Employment Division, Department of Human Resources of Oregon v. [read post]
10 Jun 2008, 5:47 pm
Accordingly, the decision of the Board is affirmed.In Todd Allen Clark v. [read post]
1 Nov 2008, 3:12 am
(Spicy IP) Allegations of corruption at the IPO - the AWS report on IP in India: the good, the bad and the ugly (Spicy IP) Critical review of New York Times article on Bayh Dole Act (Spicy IP) Indian Bayh Dole Bill: secret 'public' discussions by FICCI? [read post]
11 May 2018, 1:01 pm by MOTP
“Sovereign immunity protects the state and its various divisions, such as agencies and boards, from suit and liability, whereas governmental immunity provides similar protection to the political subdivisions of the state, such as counties, cities, and school districts. [read post]
26 Apr 2010, 1:30 pm by Tom Goldstein
In 1993, Garland was appointed as Deputy Assistant Attorney General in the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice. [read post]