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22 Apr 2017, 3:56 pm by aling
Claudia Polsky quoted by The Mercury News, April 22, 2017 At a Walnut Creek rally attended by 1,500 people, Claudia Polsky, director of the UC Berkeley School of Law’s environmental law clinic, told the crowd, “Facts do not speak for themselves. [read post]
3 Mar 2017, 3:40 pm by aling
Claudia Polsky quoted by San Francisco Chronicle, March 3, 2017 Claudia Polsky … said the public health department’s arguments for not releasing the document were irresponsible given the health impacts of sitting on such critical information. [read post]
8 Sep 2017, 1:56 pm by aling
Claudia Polsky quoted by Northern California Record, Sept. 8, 2017 “We are at a point where stakeholders are a year into fighting over regulations and a year before they will be fighting over enforcement” … Claudia Polsky told the panel. [read post]
23 Apr 2018, 11:51 am by aling
Claudia Polsky writes for The Sacramento Bee, April 23, 2018 Under California’s Proposition 65 right-to-know law, the levels of acrylamide present in a cup of coffee trigger an industry obligation to warn consumers of the chemical’s presence. [read post]
22 Jan 2021, 2:00 am by Katharine Van Tassel
Claudia Polsky (University of California), Megan Schwarzman (University of California), The Hidden Success of a Conspicuous Law: Proposition 65 and the Reduction of Toxic Chemical Exposures, 47(3) Ecology L. [read post]