Search for: "Corinna Thomas"
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3 Sep 2012, 5:46 pm
Thomas (MN)) Feb. 5: dre cummings (West Virginia) Feb. 12: Corinna Lain (Richmond) Feb. 19: Joseph Dellapenna (Villanova) Feb. 26: Adam Mossoff (George Mason) Mar. 1: FIU Law Review Symposium: Minding the Gap: Reflections on the Achievement Gap Between Men and Women in the Workplace in 2013 Mar. 5: Rafael Domingo (University of Navarra; Visiting Research Fellow, Emory) Mar. 19: Hakan Friman (University College, London) Mar. 26: Lumen Mulligan (Kansas) and Glen Staszewski… [read post]
14 Apr 2014, 4:10 am
Cohran, Jr. and Kent Greenawalt; responses by Thomas A. [read post]
15 Jun 2009, 12:10 pm
Thomas Wells Jr. [read post]
24 Feb 2020, 9:30 pm
Thomas Scattergood and His Casebooks, 1856-1897"Nicholas Duvall, "Reporting Violent Death: Networks of Expertise and the Scottish Post-mortem"Rian Sutton et al., "Detecting the Murderess: Newspaper Representations of Women Convicted of Murder in New York City, London, and Ireland, 1880-1914"Heather Wolffram, " 'Children's Lies': The Weimar Press as Psychological Expert in Child Sex Abuse Trials"Angela Sutton-Vane, "Murder Cases, Trunks… [read post]
8 Apr 2010, 7:37 pm
Lindquist, The Thomas W. [read post]
1 Mar 2011, 5:45 am
North Dakota (Kathryn Rand interim dean) (Academic Search consulting on search) (search committee here) North Texas (seeking founding dean) Northwestern (Dean David Van Zandt serving through 2010, Kim Yuracko interim dean thereafter) (search committee here) (Russell Reynolds Associates consulting on search) Oklahoma City University (Lawrence Hellman serving through June 2011) Oregon (Dean Margie Paris serving through summer 2011) (Isaacson, Miller consulting on search) (Michael Moffitt… [read post]
30 Jun 2009, 3:54 am
Justice Alito addressed the § 1983 issue in a concurring opinion for himself and Justice Kennedy (Justice Thomas did not join this portion). [read post]
30 Jun 2015, 4:00 am
Commentary comes from our online symposium on the decision, Eric Berger at CNN, Michael Meltsner and Martha Davis at the Human Rights at Home Blog, John Donahue at the Stanford Lawyer, Hadar Aviram at PrawfsBlawg and California Correctional Crisis, Steven Schwinn at the Constitutional Law Prof Blog, Corinna Lain at PrawfsBlawg, Aaron Caplan at PrawfsBlawg, and Josh Lee at casetext. [read post]