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4 May 2019, 6:21 am by Editor Charlie
Portia Sabin discusses the European Copyright Directive and the process that got the legislation passed in the European Parliament with Helen Smith of Impala, Crispin Hunt of Ivor Academy and Chris Castle. [read post]
11 Dec 2013, 5:54 am
This is a chance for all those whose livelihoods depend on copyright to make their voice heard".High profile signatories to the petition include dance star Arlene Phillips CBE, CEO of the Featured Artists Coalition, Crispin Hunt, and actor Tim Piggott-Smith. [read post]
21 May 2022, 5:28 am by Just Security
Russia – Ukraine Compilation of Countries’ Statements Calling Russian Actions in Ukraine “Genocide” by Elizabeth Whatcott (@EAWhatcott) Launching an International Claims Commission for Ukraine by Chiara Giorgetti (@ChiaraLawProf), Markiyan Kliuchkovsky and Patrick Pearsall (@Pwpearsall) Counterterrorism Biden’s New Counterterrorism Policy in Somalia: Cautions and Unknowns by Luke Hartig (@LukeHartig) Still at War Symposium: Iraq Still at War: The United States in Iraq… [read post]
25 Mar 2023, 6:32 am by Just Security
Chivvis (@CChivvis) Remaking Iraq: How Iranian-Backed Militias Captured the Country by Crispin Smith and Michael Knights (@Mikeknightsiraq) Syria Drone Attack Policy Alert: Iran-U.S. [read post]
29 Oct 2011, 11:58 am by NL
The offence is not committed by anyone holding over at the end of a lease or licence, but, as David Smith noted, would potentially be committed by anyone who was invited to stay by someone holding over at the end of a lease or licence. [read post]
11 Jan 2013, 8:09 am by Venkat
CUS Nashville" "Facebook Messages/Wall Posts, Civil Discovery, and the Stored Communications Act -- Crispin v. [read post]
29 Oct 2011, 11:58 am by NL
The offence is not committed by anyone holding over at the end of a lease or licence, but, as David Smith noted, would potentially be committed by anyone who was invited to stay by someone holding over at the end of a lease or licence. [read post]
26 Sep 2011, 3:46 am by Adam Wagner
Unfortunately, government ministers like Mr Shapps and Crispin Blunt have not taken the opportunity to make people’s existing remedies clear when giving interviews or quotes for such prominent articles. [read post]
21 Sep 2008, 9:16 pm
BradBlog, Mark Crispin Miller: Why They Chose Sarah Palin Palin Truth Squad, John McCain Launches ‘Palin Truth Squad’ To Dispose of the Truth About Sarah Palin Matt Stoller, OpenLeft, Is John McCain Dying of Cancer? [read post]