Search for: "DELAWARE COUNTY COURTHOUSE " Results 1 - 20 of 81
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11 Feb 2007, 11:13 am
The photo below is of the front of the New Castle County Courthouse in Wilmington where the Delaware Chancery Court presides on the top floor. [read post]
7 Aug 2012, 8:29 am by Janet Lindenmuth
A new play based on the 1848 trial of Delaware abolitionists Thomas Garrett and John Hunn will be performed at the New Castle County Courthouse Museum, the scene of the original trial. [read post]
3 Aug 2021, 7:30 am by Kelly Goles
It also served as the Kent County courthouse until 1873. [read post]
27 Oct 2020, 8:17 am by Seth A. Niederman
I recently returned to the New Castle County Courthouse for the first time since the initial declaration of a Judicial Emergency by the Court back in March. [read post]
19 Apr 2011, 5:00 am by Janet Lindenmuth
The New Castle County Courthouse Museum located in historic New Castle, Delaware is one of the oldest surviving courthouses in America. [read post]
19 Aug 2010, 12:01 pm by Molly DiBianca
Delaware's Kent County Superior Court has issued a new dress code (pdf) for litigants and observers. [read post]
9 Aug 2011, 8:54 pm
This man was represented by our criminal defense firm at a guilty plea proceeding that occurred last week in the Delaware County Courthouse. [read post]
6 Nov 2024, 10:36 am by Eugene Volokh
State party leaders bury a literal hatchet in sand from Lewes, Delaware, the original county seat, officially ending the campaign cycle in Delaware. [read post]
12 Jul 2020, 6:07 pm by Francis Pileggi
Seitz declared a COVID-19 judicial emergency on March 13, closing courthouses to the public days later and limiting court activities to essential matters. [read post]
2 Feb 2010, 7:42 pm by admin
View Larger Map The law firm of Sallynda Rothchild Dennison represents people who have been charged with criminal offenses in Columbus Ohio and the surrounding communities of Grove City, Canal Winchester, Gahanna, Pickerington, Hilliard, Dublin, Worthington, Westerville, New Albany, Franklin County, Delaware County, Knox County, Licking County, Fairfield County, Madison County, and Mayor’s Court. [read post]
30 Jun 2018, 9:41 am by Benjamin Herbst
  It’s one thing to fight your case till the very end when the courthouse is around the corner, but it’s a different animal when court is a five-hour drive away. [read post]
15 Nov 2010, 7:50 pm
The original offer from the Delaware County District Attorney's Office in this case was 6-23 months incarceration. [read post]
30 Jun 2018, 9:41 am by Benjamin Herbst
  It’s one thing to fight your case till the very end when the courthouse is around the corner, but it’s a different animal when court is a five-hour drive away. [read post]
19 Sep 2007, 7:55 am
The Fulton County Daily Report, part of's network, has, "Attorney in Courthouse Shooting Case Asks Judge to Reject Attempt to Reduce Attorney Fees. [read post]
21 Aug 2009, 2:37 pm by Barbara Beauchamp
By Lenny Sienko, guest blogger When I was a young lawyer thirty-one years ago, I showed up at "Motion Term" one Monday morning at the Delaware County Courthouse in Delhi, New York, the county seat some forty miles from my new office. [read post]
13 Jul 2010, 8:49 pm
Though no subpeonas were sent out, the Delaware County District Attorney's Office requested a continuance on the basis that the witness didn't show. [read post]
23 Sep 2008, 8:19 pm
SOME RESPONSES: "...The New Castle County Courthouse in Delaware bans the general public from entering with any cellphones or electronic devices. [read post]
8 Mar 2011, 3:00 am by Steve Lombardi
In Hopkinton (Delaware County) we have a 3-year-old getting mauled and killed by a set of Rottweiler’s. [read post]
28 Dec 2011, 2:19 pm by KC Johnson
Finally, perhaps the strangest or the many strange clauses from the Wilson filing was the following: “Defendant Eric Campen stated loudly in the lobby of the Durham County Sheriff’s Department and Courthouse in front of Deputy Tom McRae, several unknow [read post]