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4 Jun 2017, 10:00 pm
Writer/editor Dan Flynn was served with a subpoena from the plaintiffs during early stages of this litigation but was not required to provide any information or to testify. [read post]
9 May 2017, 6:21 am
” by Neil Vigdor for Connecticut Post New Mexico: “Toulouse Oliver Proposes New Campaign Spending Rules” by Dan Boyd for Albuquerque Journal Ethics “Sally Yates Tells Senators She Warned Trump About Michael Flynn” by Matt Apuzzo and Emmarie Huetteman for New York Times “Trump Looms as Kushner Companies Courts Investors in China” by Keith Bradsher, Ailin Tang, and Jesse Drucker for New York Times California: “California Politicians… [read post]
8 Mar 2017, 10:00 pm
As Dan Flynn, editor of Food Safety News put it, “Not so long ago, errant food industry managers and executives did not have to worry about going to jail. [read post]
29 Dec 2016, 10:01 pm
Dan Flynn, R-Canton, has pre-filed House Bill 57 with the Texas House of Representatives in Austin, which permits the sale of labeled raw milk on the farm, at a consumer’s residence or at farmers’ markets. [read post]
20 Oct 2016, 10:01 pm
Editor’s note: Dan Flynn, editor of Food Safety News, contributed to this report. [read post]
3 Oct 2016, 10:01 pm
Dan Flynn, R-Van, is the top raw milk advocate in the state’s legislature. [read post]
31 Aug 2016, 10:00 pm
Food Safety News Editor-in-Chief Dan Flynn, inset, is on the ground in Chile this week for the annual conference of Chilealimentos, an organization of food industry producers, manufacturers, suppliers and exporters. [read post]
9 Aug 2016, 10:01 pm
Defendants named in the shareholder complaint in addition to Ells are: Monty Moran, co-CEO and secretary; Mark Crumpacker, chief marketing officer — yes, he’s the one facing cocaine charges; John Charlesworth, director; Kimbal Musk, director ; Patrick Flynn, director — no relation to Food Safety News Editor in Chief Dan Flynn; Stephen Gillett, director; Albert Baldocchi, director; Darlene Friedman, director; and Neil Flanzraich, director. [read post]
11 Jul 2016, 10:01 pm
Dan Flynn is not related to Food Safety News Editor Dan Flynn. [read post]
10 Jun 2016, 10:00 pm
Dan Flynn’s June 6 article in Food Safety News, “Third-party auditor certification: Not the only tool in the toolkit,” makes the case that the Food and Drug Administration should not overly rely on third-party audits to oversee the safety of imported foods under the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). [read post]
3 Jun 2016, 6:53 am
Flynn said he likely would include a proposed gift limit. [read post]
9 Apr 2016, 10:05 pm
I also talked with Food Safety News Editor Dan Flynn who covered the PCA case as it drug on for three years. [read post]
5 Jan 2016, 10:03 pm
As Food Safety News editor Dan Flynn has reported, lawyers for Austin “Jack” DeCoster and Peter DeCoster, owners and operators of Quality Egg, have recruited some heavy hitters in their ongoing battle to avoid prison time. [read post]
27 Sep 2015, 10:03 pm
Stay tuned for Dan Flynn’s coverage. [read post]
22 Sep 2015, 5:30 pm
(Please Sign VW Petition) – Nashville lawyer Justin McNaughton of Stites & Harbison on the firm’s blog, TechAttaché Introduction to the New DoD Cyber Security Regulations – William Wagner of Taft on the firm’s blog, Privacy and Data Security Insight Stop…Collaborate…And Content Market – Legal marketing expert Lindsay Griffiths of International Lawyers Network on Zen & The Art of Legal Networking State Data… [read post]
20 Sep 2015, 10:02 pm
Coming Up This Week: Three of the five defendants in the Peanut Corporation of America (PCA) criminal case are scheduled to be sentenced today — Monday, Sept. 21 — so stay tuned for ongoing coverage from FSN Executive Editor Dan Flynn. [read post]
19 Sep 2015, 10:01 pm
(Food Safety News Executive Editor Dan Flynn is away, so Washington, D.C., reporter Lydia Zuraw is using this space to discuss some results from the recent FSN reader survey.) [read post]
26 Jul 2015, 8:53 am
Editors and reporters Cathy Siegner, James Andrews and Dan Flynn will be in attendance both covering the conference and manning the booth, as will Chuck Jolly (our ad guy) and Julie, Olivia and Sydney Marler. [read post]
26 Jul 2015, 8:49 am
Editors and reporters Cathy Siegner, James Andrews and Dan Flynn will be in attendance both covering the conference and manning the booth, as will Chuck Jolly (our ad guy) and Julie, Olivia and Sydney Marler. [read post]
12 Jul 2015, 9:04 am
Contact us via email as listed below: Dan Flynn, Editor in ChiefFood Safety News Cathy Siegner, Managing EditorFood Safety News (To sign up for a free subscription to Food Safety News, click here.) [read post]