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13 Apr 2024, 3:33 pm by admin
Prelude to Litigation Phenylpropanolamine (PPA) was a widely used direct α-adrenergic agonist used as a medication to control cold symptoms and to suppress appetite for weight loss.[1] In 1972, an over-the-counter (OTC) Advisory Review Panel considered the safety and efficacy of PPA-containing nasal decongestant medications, leading, in 1976, to a recommendation that the agency label these medications as “generally recognized as safe and effective. [read post]
23 Dec 2012, 3:26 pm by David Cheifetz
… The probability of a hypothesis H conditional on a given body of data E is the ratio of the unconditional probability of the conjunction of the hypothesis with the data to the unconditional probability of the data alone. [read post]
6 Oct 2015, 3:05 am by Kevin LaCroix
The U.S. government’s petition for writ of certiorari in the case of United States v. [read post]
22 Oct 2014, 8:49 am by JD Hull
“Ben Bradlee was the best American newspaper editor of his time and had the greatest impact on his newspaper of any modern editor,” said Donald E. [read post]
2 May 2011, 5:29 am by Badrinath Srinivasan
The Status of Religious Arbitration in the United States and Canada Nicholas Walter Abstract: This paper discusses, and challenges, the status of religious arbitration in the United States and Canada. [read post]
7 Sep 2010, 9:24 am by Steven M. Taber
The following is a summary review of articles from all over the nation concerning environmental law settlements, decisions, regulatory actions and lawsuits filed during the past week. [read post]
14 Jul 2023, 4:00 am by Jim Sedor
The decision comes after three years in which the department, under both Republican and Democratic leadership, argued Trump was acting within his presidential duties when he denied sexually assaulting columnist E. [read post]
The SEC explained: [W]e believe that NEPA requires and authorizes the Commission to consider the promotion of environmental protection along with other considerations in determining whether to require affirmative disclosures by registrants under the Securities Act and the Securities and Exchange Act . . . . [read post]