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31 Dec 1969, 4:00 pm by David B. Goldstein
Among Washington DC lobbyists who oppose environmental legislation, one of the most common tactics for squelching an idea is to suggest it isn’t going anywhere. [read post]
31 Dec 1969, 4:00 pm by David B. Goldstein
The world’s climate goals require reducing greenhouse emissions to zero by 2050 and at least halfway there by 2030. [read post]
31 Dec 1969, 4:00 pm by David B. Goldstein
What does resilience in buildings have to do with meeting our global climate goals? [read post]
31 Dec 1969, 4:00 pm by David B. Goldstein
Climate change is mostly caused by carbon dioxide emissions, and in the U.S. some 35 percent of these emissions result from burning fossil fuels to power, heat, and cool buildings. [read post]
31 Dec 1969, 4:00 pm by David B. Goldstein
The Story Behind the Conclusion: Lack of Regulation Leads to Plant Closings and Economic Loss                                                              [read post]
31 Dec 1969, 4:00 pm by David B. Goldstein
It has always been more challenging to generate the same level of enthusiasm for energy efficiency as it has for renewables. [read post]
31 Dec 1969, 4:00 pm by David B. Goldstein
“A wave of optimism has swept over America’s business leaders, and it is beginning to translate into… investment … that bolsters economic growth, spurs job creation—and may finally raise wages” says a January 1, 2018 [read post]
31 Dec 1969, 4:00 pm by David B. Goldstein
Climate change can produce visible signs of distress and danger. [read post]
31 Dec 1969, 4:00 pm by David B. Goldstein
Roger Bannister was the first man to run a mile in under 4 minutes. [read post]
31 Dec 1969, 4:00 pm by David B. Goldstein
Darkest Hour is the slightly fictionalized history of Winston Churchill’s first month or so as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom in late spring 1940. [read post]
8 Aug 2023, 6:00 am by Dr. David B. Goldstein
ASHRAE Standard 90.2 now sets carbon emission limits for housing. [read post]
31 Dec 1969, 4:00 pm by David B. Goldstein
Building codes and performance policies are one of the most effective ways to reduce the carbon emissions driving the climate crisis. [read post]
31 Dec 1969, 4:00 pm by David B. Goldstein
When the next polar vortex hits, or the next heat wave strikes (both of which happened in the same week this month), how do you make sure the electric grid stays up and running? [read post]
21 Jul 2023, 10:06 am by Dr. David B. Goldstein
A New International Standard on Net Zero Energy and Net Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions [read post]
31 Dec 1969, 4:00 pm by David B. Goldstein
The buildings that we live, work, and spend time in account for some 40 percent of total U.S. climate-warming carbon emissions. [read post]
31 Dec 1969, 4:00 pm by David B. Goldstein
Energy efficiency is the cornerstone of any country’s plan to fight the climate crisis. [read post]
31 Dec 1969, 4:00 pm by David B. Goldstein
Achieving Zero Net Energy (ZNE), which means that a building or an industrial plant produces as much renewable energy onsite as they consume in a year, is an emerging tool to meet the most ambitious global climate goals. [read post]
31 Dec 1969, 4:00 pm by David B. Goldstein
Part of NRDC's Year-End Series Reviewing 2017 Energy & Climate Developments [read post]