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21 Apr 2012, 7:18 am by sevach
Dicho acto, que arrancó a las 12,00 tuvo lugar en un salón de actos amablemente ofrecido por el Consejo General de la Abogacía, y al que fui invitado a participar como miembro del Jurado ( por haber sido el ganador de la última edición en la vertiente del blog), me permitió comprobar el gran éxito de la puesta en práctica de las ideas de personas que han alzado la red en alfa y omega de su vida profesional. [read post]
20 Apr 2012, 6:36 am by Walter Olson
Bainbridge, Amy Alkon, Hans Bader readers; & see update.) [read post]
18 Apr 2012, 9:43 am by lopeznoriega
Gallup revela que siete de cada diez estadounidenses opinan que la Corte debiera permitir cámaras de televisión, y diversos termómetros han revelado que la combinación de cámaras y tribunales es buena para la democracia. [read post]
15 Apr 2012, 7:11 pm by Sergio Muñoz Sarmiento
Richard Prince, Dexter Sinister, Mai Abu ElDahab, Exit Art, Brendan Fowler, Guerrilla Girls, Hans Haacke, David Horvitz, Douglas Huebler, Wu Hung, Jonathan Katz, Leng Lin, Jill Magid, Mass MoCA v. [read post]
4 Apr 2012, 7:42 am by Conor McEvily
  Roger Runningen and Hans Nichols of Bloomberg report on the story, as do Mark Landler of the New York Times, Richard Wolf and David Jackson of USA Today, Laura Meckler and Carol E. [read post]
29 Mar 2012, 11:01 am by Steve Davies
Jayantha Obeysekera Director of Hydrologic and Environmental Systems Modeling South Florida Water Management District West Palm Beach Hans W. [read post]
20 Mar 2012, 8:56 am by Michael Heise
My Cornell colleagues--Sheri Johnson, John Blume, Ted Eisenberg, Valerie Hans, and Marty Wells--report on the administration of the death penalty in The Delaware Death Penalty: An Empirical Study. [read post]
19 Mar 2012, 2:42 am by Gilles Cuniberti
Hans VAN LOON, Hague Conference on Private International Law Frédérique MESTRE, UNIDROIT Corinne MONTINERI, UNCITRAL Chair: Diego P. [read post]
6 Mar 2012, 12:20 pm by William McGrath
On April 8, 2009, prosecutors indicted six additional former executives of CCI: Stuart Carson, the former CEO; Hong ("Rose") Carson, the former director of sales for China and Taiwan; Paul Cosgrove, the former director of worldwide sales; David Edmonds, the former vice president of worldwide customer service; Flavio Ricotti, the former vice-president and head of sales for Europe, Africa and the Middle East; and Han Yong Kim, the former president of CCI’s Korean… [read post]
6 Mar 2012, 10:11 am by Dan Tokaji
The next issue of ELJ (11:2) will feature a symposium on Election Law in India, with contributions from Ellen Weintraub & Samuel Brown, David Gilmartin & Robert Moog, Anupama Roy, Ujjwal Singh, and others. [read post]
28 Feb 2012, 2:38 am by Lawrence Higgins
[Link] Levine Bagade Han is looking for a patent associate with 2-6 years of experience to work in their Palo Alto office. [read post]
21 Feb 2012, 9:56 am by Suzanne Ito
It will be moderated by David Fathi of the ACLU's National Prison Project, and panelists will include David Shapiro of the ACLU's National Prison Project; Bill Mefford of the United Methodist Church; Joshua Miller of the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees; and Tracy Velázquez of the Justice Policy Institute. [read post]
17 Feb 2012, 6:38 am by Walter Olson
More: Hans Bader, John Steele Gordon. [read post]
11 Feb 2012, 3:01 pm by Gustavo Arballo
Los que usan esta exculpante razonan así: si otros no han sido procesados, es injusto que se procese a Garzón. [read post]
25 Jan 2012, 12:00 am
" (Delivering the inaugural lecture, in Oslo in 2011, was International Criminal Court Vice President Hans-Peter Kaul; his speech, "Implications of the Criminalization of Aggression," is available here.)Speakers at the seminar will include 2 colleagues who took part in IntLawGrrls' 2010 "Women and International Criminal Law" roundtable: the director of the Forum for International Criminal and Humanitarian Law, Morten Bergsmo, and Georgetown Law Professor… [read post]
18 Jan 2012, 7:00 am by Eric van Ginkel
I received word from Dean David Schizer of Columbia Law School that Professor Hans Smit passed away on January 7, 2012. [read post]
16 Jan 2012, 10:00 pm
  Trascendió a las noticias que desde septiembre algunos ministros y secretarios han cabildeado con el gobierno de David Cameron la idea de obsequiar a la reina en su jubileo de diamante un nuevo yate y sustituir con él al viejo Britannia. [read post]