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23 May 2012, 2:24 pm by legalinformatics
Professor Stephanie Davidson of the University of Illinois College of Law has posted Open Sesame, on the VoxPopuLII blog, published by the Legal Information Institute at Cornell University Law School. [read post]
6 Jun 2018, 2:30 pm by Cassandra Burke Robertson
Stephanie Clifford (a/k/a Stormy Daniels) has filed a breach of fiduciary duty action against her former attorney, Keith Davidson. [read post]
9 Nov 2009, 8:49 am
Over in VoxPopuLII, Stephanie Davidson talks about survey methodologies. [read post]
24 Nov 2010, 8:53 am by legalinformatics
Professor Stephanie Davidson of the University of Illinois College of Law has published Way Beyond Legal Research: Understanding the Research Process of Legal Scholars, Law Library Journal, vol. 102, no. 4, pp. 561-579 (article no. 2010-32). [read post]
9 Oct 2024, 7:22 pm by Sabrina I. Pacifici
Osborne, Caroline and Davidson, Stephanie and Haight, Iantha and Hirsch, Cindy and Lohmeier, Kerry and Quigley, Brian and Whytock, Jessica, AALL-SIS White Paper on Continuing Status and Tenure of Law Librarians (April 15, 2024). [read post]
27 Aug 2009, 1:00 pm
MattinglyHonorary Chairs Nina and Mitch Davidson * Oscar de la Renta * Susan and Tony Gilroy * Nancy and Andrew Jarecki * Kevin Liles * Shirin von Wulffen and Frederic Fekkai * Stephanie and David WolkoffFall Gala Co-Chairs Request the pleasure of your company at the New Yorkers For ChildrenTenth Annual Fall Gala HonoringMary J. [read post]
1 Nov 2011, 9:15 am by Nicolette Koozer
Elizabeth Bartz at Harley Davidson Museum on an Inter-City visit in Milwaukee with Akron executives. [read post]
31 Aug 2010, 9:28 am
A 59-year-old Moreno Valley man tragically died Saturday after a woman driving a sedan allegedly cut off his Harley-Davidson, throwing him off his bike. [read post]
15 Jun 2009, 9:21 am
” HT Stephanie Davidson & the UIUC Graduate School of Library & Information Science. [read post]
15 Feb 2012, 2:13 am by tom
Rob is succeeded by two people:  Stephanie Davidson (currently at the University of Illinois) and Christine Kirchberger (from Stockholm University). [read post]
29 Jan 2014, 4:15 am by Broc Romanek
Webcast: "How to Sell a Division: Nuts & Bolts" Tune in tomorrow for the webcast - "How to Sell a Division: Nuts & Bolts" - during which Bass Berry's Page Davidson, WilmerHale's Stephanie Evans and Kaye Scholer's Joel Greenberg will walk us through the nuts & bolts of selling a division [read post]
18 Jan 2010, 2:53 pm by The Farber Law Group
According to a report written by Stephanie Clark writing for Tacoma's The News Tribune, Suddoth lost control of his Harley Davidson, hit a cable barrier and landed in the roadway where he was struck by three vehicles. [read post]
10 Mar 2018, 6:59 pm by Schachtman
A week later, Stephanie Clifford sued POTUS (a.k.a. [read post]
2 Oct 2011, 5:32 am by Kim Krawiec
Langevoort (Georgetown University Law Center), Stephanie A. [read post]
30 Dec 2009, 12:11 pm by Judicial Watch Blog
Stephanie Villafuerte abruptly withdrew her nomination to be Colorado’s next U.S. [read post]
21 Jun 2010, 10:07 am by Bonnie Shucha
So far, the following people have offered to demo these technologies: Dan Blackaby – Creating video Tom Boone  -  Dropbox Bonnie Shucha  -  Gimlet Jason Eiseman  -  Google Wave Debbie Ginsberg -  iPad for Libraries Stephanie Davidson  -  Jing Elizabeth Farrell –   LibGuides Cindy Bassett  (Cindy is one of our grant winners!) [read post]
29 Mar 2023, 6:41 am by Gretchen Knaut
July 2006: Stephanie Clifford (aka “Stormy Daniels”) met Trump at a celebrity golf tournament in Lake Tahoe. [read post]