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14 Oct 2010, 11:28 am
Gilmartin, who now roams the halls as a big-wig at NBC in NYC, writes to tell us that not only is our humble blog enjoyed by various members of the media in the Big Apple (and who wouldn't enjoy a short jolt of well written humor every day?) [read post]
25 Jan 2019, 3:50 am
Prine, Jr. 713-274-4520 Clerk: Sandra Gomez 713-274-4520 Assistant Clerk: Patricia Montgomery 713-274-4520 Coordinator: Madeline Russell 713-274-4520 Bailiff: Robenia Bayer-Barthe 713-274-4520 FOCAS Clerk: Veronica Garza 713-274-4520 Court Reporter: Delores Johnson 713-274-4520 310th Judicial District: (713) 368-6550 Judge Lisa Millard Harris County Civil Courthouse 201… [read post]