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9 Jul 2024, 11:28 am
It then offers the recent efforts of Vietnam to invest in a comprehensive regulation of tech and AI for consideration as an example. 1. [read post]
8 Jul 2024, 3:35 am
” When there is an issue as to which category a body part falls, defendant is required to do the following: 1) Establish a prior award(s) of disability. 2) Establish through expert medical evidence which body systems were impacted by the prior disability. 3) Establish a current award of disability. 4) Establish through expert medical evidence which body systems are impacted by the current disability. [read post]
8 Jul 2024, 1:03 am
” It follows from this principle “the need to seek the delicate balance between the duty of cooperation, through available and suitable means, and respect for the guarantees of due process”.[10] III.I. [read post]
7 Jul 2024, 11:35 am
But the Principle does more than that. [read post]
5 Jul 2024, 6:21 pm
The private sector could play an important role in promoting sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, while avoiding the creation of imbalances on the internal market. [read post]
4 Jul 2024, 9:05 pm
Some kind soldiers in a military jeep driving through the richly beautiful, deeply wooded Polish countryside picked my traveling companions and me up in the early morning hours. [read post]
26 Jun 2024, 2:54 pm
H.B. 629 does require the Office of Budget and Management (“OBM”) to enter into a grant agreement with the recipient prior to disbursement. [read post]
26 Jun 2024, 10:43 am
Among the important points raised in their essay the following resonated particularly strongly and may be worth deeper reflection:1. [read post]
25 Jun 2024, 2:54 pm
H.B. 629 does require the Office of Budget and Management (“OBM”) to enter into a grant agreement with the recipient prior to disbursement. [read post]
19 Jun 2024, 5:37 am
Kabré makes the following three major points which are worthy of some reflection:1. [read post]
19 Jun 2024, 5:00 am
Several reparation bills moving through the state Legislature could help Californians of color who believe their land was taken against their will with racist intent to finally get restitution. [read post]
14 Jun 2024, 1:51 am
It also analyzes the archaeological potential of different areas through the research. [read post]
14 Jun 2024, 1:51 am
It also analyzes the archaeological potential of different areas through the research. [read post]
13 Jun 2024, 5:56 am
Indeed, that is precisely what I wrote within hours of the bill’s introduction in February 2022: Views on the scope of this regulatory approach may vary, but it is undeniable that: (1) regulating content uploaded to social media services through the discoverability requirement is still very much alive for some user generated content; (2) the regulations extend far beyond just music on Youtube; (3) some of the safeguards in Bill C-10 have been removed; and (4) the… [read post]
12 Jun 2024, 9:40 am
Beer and wine can be purchased from 7:00 AM to midnight Monday through Friday, from 7:00 AM to 1:00 AM on Saturday, and from 10:00 AM to midnight on Sunday, while car dealerships must choose to close either on Saturday or Sunday but cannot operate on both days of the weekend. [read post]
12 Jun 2024, 9:40 am
Beer and wine can be purchased from 7:00 AM to midnight Monday through Friday, from 7:00 AM to 1:00 AM on Saturday, and from 10:00 AM to midnight on Sunday, while car dealerships must choose to close either on Saturday or Sunday but cannot operate on both days of the weekend. [read post]
11 Jun 2024, 4:20 am
Greg Lambert 1:08 My pleasure. [read post]
11 Jun 2024, 12:00 am
ARS 28-1381 Misdemeanor DUI Penalties First Offense for DUI: Minimum of 10 consecutive days in jail. 9 days can be suspended upon the completion of alcohol screening and classes. [read post]
11 Jun 2024, 12:00 am
ARS 28-1381 Misdemeanor DUI Penalties First Offense for DUI: Minimum of 10 consecutive days in jail. 9 days can be suspended upon the completion of alcohol screening and classes. [read post]
7 Jun 2024, 10:12 am
The proposed UN Cybercrime Convention, scheduled for a critical concluding session from 29 July to August 9th, poses a significant threat to global human rights unless major changes are made. [read post]