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27 Oct 2024, 5:36 pm by David Oscar Markus
§ 1442(a)(1) (the “federal-officer removal statute”) because he is a former federal officer, and we have held that § 1442(a)(1) does not apply to former federal officers. [read post]
27 Oct 2024, 10:49 am by Giles Peaker
The provision in section 41(2)(b) does no such thing. [read post]
27 Oct 2024, 9:50 am by Giles Peaker
Recruitment Agencies Shelter does not accept unsolicited CVs from external recruitment agencies nor accept the fees associated with them. [read post]
27 Oct 2024, 8:24 am
One does not speak here about the crudities of small time management of taste represented by advertising, and to some extent also of short term propaganda efforts. [read post]
26 Oct 2024, 4:03 pm by Adam Levitin
With these numbers, if BoA is able to pull off this rollover practice on only 10% of those deposits, it's still being unjustly enriched by about $1.7 billion a year.) [read post]
25 Oct 2024, 3:29 pm by Cynthia Marcotte Stamer
  UHG Chief Executive Officer Andrew Witty shared additional insights on how the attack was accomplished, UHG’s response and some of its consequences in written testimony posted to the UHG website in anticipation of his scheduled May 1, 2024 appearance before the House Energy and Commerce Committee Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations “Examining the Change Healthcare Cyberattack. [read post]
25 Oct 2024, 3:11 pm by Donald Clarke
The sentence was apparently imposed under the Security Administration Punishment Law (治安管理处罚法) (SAPL), which in Article 72 does indeed provide for the possibility of ten days’ detention for ingesting drugs: Article 72: Any of the following acts shall be punished by detention of between 10 and 15 days, and may be concurrently fined up to 2,000 RMB; where the circumstances are relatively minor, the punishment shall be detention… [read post]
25 Oct 2024, 9:42 am by Dennis Crouch
  In a new decision, a 2-1 majority continues this trend, holding that conclusory expert testimony is insufficient even for relatively simple technologies. [read post]
25 Oct 2024, 7:37 am by Justin K. Beyer
—In a civil action brought under this subsection with respect to the misappropriation of a trade secret, a court may— (A) grant an injunction— (i) to prevent any actual or threatened misappropriation described in paragraph (1) on such terms as the court deems reasonable, provided the order does not— (I) prevent a person from entering into an employment relationship, and that conditions placed on such employment shall be based on evidence of… [read post]
The agreement explained, “From approximately November 1, 2022 through April 26, 2023, [then-Prosecutor Gardner] directed employees of the St. [read post]
25 Oct 2024, 5:00 am by Kellie N. Lego
The information is general in nature and does not constitute legal advice or any contractual obligations. [read post]
25 Oct 2024, 3:00 am by Jim Sedor
Musk Promises a Daily $1 Million Lottery in Questionable Pro-Trump Effort MSN – Mariana Alfaro (Washington Post) | Published: 10/20/2024 Elon Musk announced he will give away $1 million each day to registered voters in battleground states who sign a petition put out by his super PAC’s voter recruitment drive. [read post]
24 Oct 2024, 6:07 pm by Kurt R. Karst
  In a landmark 2013 decision, a unanimous Supreme Court held that a naturally occurring DNA segment, even when isolated, is a product of nature and therefore does not meet the subject matter eligibility requirement for patentability. [read post]