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26 Mar 2012, 9:31 pm
"); or, (4) tell them to go take a hike if they ask and then file a human rights complaint based on a breach of s. 5 or s. 23(2) of Ontario's Human Rights Code.If you want more information on this topic, check out David Doorey's take on the controversy here, here, and here. [read post]
22 Mar 2012, 6:46 am
Dang, That's Devious House approves placing photo ID on November ballot (Jim Ragsdale/Minneapolis Star Tribune) Postal workers find 11 pounds of pot headed to N.Y. publishing house Doorey: Ontario Employer cannot ask job applicant for Facebook password - request prohibited by OHRC Some Threats OK, Others Not So Much in Personal Injury Settlement Negotiations |Erik Magraken Jurors punished for using social media? [read post]
7 Feb 2012, 9:44 am
For additional commentary, check out the following: Doorey's Law Blog has posted a very thorough analysis; also, the CBC has coverage of the decision up. [read post]
1 Feb 2012, 5:00 am
Any notion of intergenerational equity is lost when students are told by their leaders to get a good education, but are then pushed into the labour market without nary a thought from politicians about who's going to employ all the bright-eyed graduates.Here are some resources that tracks the current scope of the problems that students face: the CCPA's Under Pressure report; OUSA's tuition policy paper; a great post from David Doorey about income inequality, youth and labour… [read post]
23 Jan 2012, 5:24 am
Here are the leading legal headlines for Monday, January 23, 2012 from Wise Law on Twitter: Analysis of the MegaUpload Indictment - TalkLeft Balsillie, Lazaridis out as co-CEOs at RIM | CTV News Ontario unlikely to meet court delay reduction targets | CTV News Athletic therapist claimed she was fired by Toronto Argos because she’s a woman - Maher defends SOPA, calls piracy ‘Caucasian looting’ | The Raw Story JURIST - Paper Chase: Federal appeals court strikes… [read post]
19 Jan 2012, 9:33 am
Michael Power, one of Ontario's leading privacy experts, has posted a great analysis on his website; uber-blawger Omar Ha-Redeye has written an article about the case for Slaw; and, not to be outdone, David Doorey has written a blog post covering off the workplace law implications arising from the OCA decision in Jones v. [read post]
18 Jan 2012, 12:46 pm
(Thanks to Professor Doorey for the heads up in a tweet and blog post this afteroon). [read post]
2 Jan 2012, 12:06 pm
Here’s a random list of this year’s winners and finalists: Canadian Legal History Blog, ClickLaw, Legal Feeds, Legal Post, Slater Vecchio Connected, Doorey’s Workplace Law Blog, Legal Frontiers: McGill’s Blog on International Law, The Court, Entertainment and Media Law Signal, Wise Law Blog, B.C. [read post]
26 Dec 2011, 6:00 pm
David Doorey, Connie Crosby, Dan Pinnington, Dan Michaluk, and all the good folks at Slaw. [read post]
23 Dec 2011, 1:37 pm
My Top 3: Doorey’s Workplace Law Blog - Lots of opinions, lots of passion and frequent, interesting updates on Canadian employment and labour law. [read post]
29 Nov 2011, 8:42 am
David Doorey (York - Canada) has just posted on SSRN his new article forthcoming in the Osgoode Hall Law Journal: Good Employer, Bad Employer: Decentred Regulation and Fast-Track Collective Bargaining to Improve Employment Standards Compliance. [read post]
24 Nov 2011, 4:30 am
| Doorey's Workplace Law Blog - How the court deals with occupation rent and unconscionable equalization of net family property: Australia to make forced marriage illegal Divorce detective sets up husbands to facilitate wives’ divorce demands New Ethics Opinion on Cloud Computing from the Pennsylvania Bar Federal Court of Appeal: CBC must hand over… [read post]
2 Sep 2011, 6:12 am
Excellent Canadian Blogs The LexisNexis list focuses on the US, but there are a number of excellent Canadian blogs that I read regularly and should have made the list: Stuart Rudner's Canadian HR Blog Donna Seale's Human Rights in the Workplace Gabriel Granatstein's Quebec Labour Law Michael Fitzgibbon's Thoughts from a Management Lawyer David Doorey's Workplace Law Blog Greg Gowe's Canadian Workplace Law Dan… [read post]
29 Aug 2011, 7:46 am
I'll echo Professor Doorey: "We know there are hundreds of Geoffrey’s former students out there, many of them practicing workplace law, industrial relations, and human resource management. [read post]
28 Jul 2011, 6:03 am
David Doorey, Decentring Labor Law (June 14, 2010), available on SSRN. [read post]
30 Jun 2011, 10:08 pm
Update (PS): David Doorey (York - Canada) did a post on the NBA lockout from the Toronto Raptors perspective. [read post]
22 Jun 2011, 8:23 am
Rachel's passed the ball back to me for today, so I'm filling in with your legal headlines du jour from Wise Law on Twitter:Police under fire as fresh statistics show charges dropped in 59% of G20 cases - - activist facing G20 charges set free by judge - The Globe and Mail - says he won't apologize for G20 or call a public inquiry - CityNews - Integrated Domestic Violence court opens | Law… [read post]
14 Jun 2011, 6:15 am
| Doorey's Workplace Law Blog - you for checking our our tweets! [read post]
4 May 2011, 11:46 am
Workplace blogger David Doorey comments: The [New Democratic Party] NDP did indeed surge to their best results ever, jumping from 37 seats in Parliament to... [read post]
3 May 2011, 11:23 am
'” by David Doorey. [read post]