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11 Jul 2011, 4:38 am by cdw
” DPIC notes”[b]etween January and June 2011, there have been 25 executions in nine states. [read post]
28 Jun 2011, 12:14 pm by William Hamilton
 The questions posed to the Workshop by Jason Baron and the DESI organizing steering committee composed of Jason Baron, Laura Ellsworth, Dave Lewis, Debra Logan, and Doug Oard to the 150 participants (vendor representatives, academicians, and lawyers) were: (a) whether e-discovery search is capable of standardization, and (b) if so what models might be suitable for the standard setting task. [read post]
24 Jun 2011, 1:24 pm by Roy Ginsburg
  The analysis was prepared by my colleagues, Doug Christensen, Zeb Curtin and Courtney DaCosta. [read post]
23 Jun 2011, 8:56 pm by Gareth Dickson
 Among them is UCLA’s Doug Lichtman, who wrote this NY Times article, which is short and highly recommended. [read post]
22 Jun 2011, 5:16 am by Rob Robinson (Leonard Deutchman) Technology and Tactics 6 Ways to Make Your Next IT Audit a Success - (B&L Blog) 82% of Conversations Word of Mouth Reputation are Face-to-Face - (Kevin O'Keefe) An ECM Perspective on ERM: Your Penchant for Over Retaining is Costing You - (Susan Goodman) An Update on Cloud Service Provider Controls - (Thomas Shaw) Authentication Bug Briefly Makes… [read post]
21 Jun 2011, 5:06 am by Kelly Phillips Erb
To file an FBAR, check the appropriate block on your federal form 1040 at Schedule B and then file form TD F 90-22.1, Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts. [read post]
15 Jun 2011, 5:45 am by Rob Robinson
You're Not Alone - (B&L Blog) The Future of Computing Looks Flexible - (Michael Roach) The Social Business Activity Cycle - (Mike Langford) Troubleshooting Access to Mailboxes - (Mike Rede) Twitter is the new Facebook - (Adam Ostrow) Twitter Hashtags of the Week #eDiscovery #eDisclosure #ILTA11 #LegalTech Vendor Views Industry Landscape AccessData Opens New… [read post]
9 Jun 2011, 8:22 pm by Kelly Phillips Erb
IRS Commissioner Doug Shulman said about the most recent achievement: IRS e-file is a good deal for taxpayers. [read post]
8 Jun 2011, 9:38 am by David Lat
If you see errors or omissions, please note them in the comments, or inform us via email (subject line: “O’Melveny”).There’s a backstory behind some of these departures, related to the leadership of firm chairman Arthur B. [read post]
7 Jun 2011, 9:56 am by Frank Pasquale
" Doug Henwood observes that while the US economy used to be a "brutal but dynamic place" for workers, now it's just brutal. [read post]
7 Jun 2011, 9:55 am by Frank Pasquale
Doug Henwood observes that while the US economy used to be a “brutal but dynamic place” for workers, now it’s just brutal. [read post]
5 Jun 2011, 2:27 am
A reader wrote us late Saturday night: Three hours ago, at 8th and E Burnside (b/t Doug Fir and Imago Theater), I ran into your favorite Welches con man. [read post]
1 Jun 2011, 6:48 am by Adam Chandler
Finally, at Sentencing Law and Policy, Doug Berman discusses the state of the sentencing docket at the Court. [read post]
5 May 2011, 10:11 am by Greensboro Law Blog
          Richard Craig, Attorney Legal Aid           Chris Parrish, ADA, Office of Doug Henderson, District Attorney          The Honorable Fred Lind, Chief Public DefenderCLOSING:  What We All Can Now Do to Support the "RULE of LAW’ and to provide "EQUAL ACCESS TO JUSTICE FOR ALL? [read post]
15 Apr 2011, 11:21 am by Greensboro Law Blog
MEMBERS OF THE BAR, supplied by Congressman Howard Coble PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. tentative - B J BARNES, SHERIFF INVOCATION. [read post]
15 Apr 2011, 10:20 am by Michael Markarian
Thirteen representatives whose districts favored Prop B voted to repeal the ballot measure: Jamilah Nasheed, D-60, 80.8% for Prop B Jerry Nolte, R-33, 70% for Prop B Noel Torpey, R-52, 65.5% for Prop B John McCaherty, R-90, 62.8% for Prop B Kurt Bahr, R-19, 61.7% for Prop B Paul Wieland, R-102, 61.5% for Prop B John Diehl, R-87, 61.4% for Prop B Doug Funderburk, R-12, 60.5% for Prop B T.J. [read post]
13 Apr 2011, 5:03 am by Rob Robinson (Joshua Engel) eDiscovery has Raised Role, Importance of ‘30(b)(6)’ Organizational Witnesses - (ACEDS) Facebook's "One-Button" Tool (Podcast) (Monica Bay, Craig Ball) Forbes: Metadata, The Freedom of Information Act, and Government Hypocrisy - (Ben Kerschberg) For DLA Piper’s Sake, Zuckerberg E-Mails Better Not Be Fake -… [read post]
7 Apr 2011, 8:43 am by Gritsforbreakfast
" So I was interested to learn via NPR that in January the company's "credit rating was downgraded to B+. [read post]