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23 Mar 2008, 5:48 pm
My former boss and colleague at OLC, Doug Kmiec, has endorsed Obama for President. [read post]
19 May 2008, 7:05 am
My friend Doug Kmiec reports that at a recent mass he was denied communion by the presiding chaplain for his endorsement of Barack Obama for President. [read post]
17 Jun 2008, 6:15 am
Catholic Online today publishes a fascinating interview with law professor Doug Kmiec who recently attended, along with some 30 religious leaders, a meeting with Barack Obama. [read post]
6 Jun 2008, 2:06 pm
Last night I had the pleasure of debating gay marriage against Doug Kmiec at the lawyer's chapter of the Federalist Society in Chicago. [read post]
4 Dec 2008, 2:00 am
Doug Kmiec has a FindLaw column on this week's oral argument in Fitzgerald v. [read post]
23 Mar 2008, 10:03 am
Back when Mitt Romney was still in the Presidential race, Doug Kmiec was Co-Chair of the Romney Campaign's Committee for the Courts and the Constitution. [read post]
18 May 2007, 8:05 am
In today's Washington Post, Doug Kmiec has an op-ed arguing that the Comey testimony isn't that much of a big deal, and in particular, it's no Watergate; over at [read post]
9 Mar 2009, 6:28 pm
In the first of a two-part series for, Pepperdine University professor and frequent commentator Doug Kmiec explores the implications of Proposition 8 for "the deeper meaning of constitutionalism and the rule of law. [read post]
23 Mar 2008, 2:47 pm
ROMNEY BACKER DOUG KMIEC endorses Obama: "I believe him to be a person of integrity, intelligence and genuine good will. [read post]
18 Jun 2008, 8:04 pm
More praise, this time from Doug Kmiec, for Barack Obama's meeting with religious leaders. [read post]
8 Jul 2008, 9:22 pm
" Doug Kmiec has this post at Slate's "Convictions" blog. [read post]
7 Jul 2008, 9:15 am
Back in March, the Law Blog interviewed Pepperdine law prof Doug Kmiec, a high-profile Republican who, much to the perturbation of his party, threw his support behind Barack Obama’s bid for the presidency. [read post]
22 Feb 2007, 9:02 pm
In this Slate column, Pepperdine law professor Doug Kmiec decries two recent 5-4 Supreme Court decisions because they undermine Chief Justice Roberts' effort to promote unanimity on the Court, which... [read post]
28 Nov 2007, 1:11 pm
Here's an interesting discussion on that topic with Jeff Rosen, Kathleen Sullivan, Doug Kmiec, Ken Starr, and Vikram Amar. [read post]
10 Jan 2007, 2:01 pm
", featuring John Yoo, Doug Kmiec,... [read post]
1 Apr 2012, 8:06 pm by Glenn Reynolds
. “It turns out that the only ‘Reagan Administration lawyers’ they are able to quote are Charles Fried and Doug Kmiec, both of whom quite publicly endorsed candidate Obama in 2008. [read post]
17 Mar 2008, 5:54 pm
" Doug Kmiec has this interesting post at Slate's "Convictions" blog. [read post]