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1 Nov 2013, 1:37 pm
In addition to my short essay out on this decision ("Querying Edith Windsor, Querying Equality"), which is part of a Villanova Law Review on-line symposium on this decision, I am aware of the following scholars who also have new pieces out on Windsor: 1) Noa Ben-Asher (Pace Law): "Conferring Dignity: The Metamorphosis of the Legal Homosexual" 2) William Baude (Chicago Law): "Interstate Recognition of Same-Sex Marriage after Windsor" 3) Anthony… [read post]
30 Sep 2013, 1:44 pm
As well, I am aware of the following scholars who also have new pieces out on Windsor: 1) Noa Ben-Asher (Pace Law): "Conferring Dignity: The Metamorphosis of the Legal Homosexual" 2) Anthony Infanti (Pittsburgh Law): "The Moonscape of Tax Equality: Windsor and Beyond" 3) Douglas NeJaime (UC-Irvine Law) (2 pieces): "Windsor's Right to Marry"; "The View from Below: Public Interest Lawyering, Social Change, and Adjudication"… [read post]
19 Oct 2009, 12:15 am
Richards, The Deepening Darkness: Patriarchy, Resistance, & Democracy's Future), 32 Harvard Journal of Law & Gender 505-533 (2009).Douglas NeJaime, Inclusion, Accommodation, and Recognition: Accounting for Differences Based on Religion and Sexual Orientation, 32 Harvard Journal of Law & Gender 303-381 (2009).Mark Strasser, When Churches Divide: On Neutrality, Deference, and Unpredictability, 32 Hamline Law Review 427-475 (2009). [read post]
23 Jan 2014, 8:05 pm
” [Douglas Nejaime, "Cause Lawyers Inside the State," SSRN via Legal Ethics Forum] Gun rights: public opinion has changed over the decades in a big way [Bryan Caplan, Steven Greenhut] “Mostyn Law Firm donates $1 million to help Wendy Davis in Texas governor’s race” [Washington Examiner, New Republic] Plaintiff’s bar supporting GOP primary challenges to Texas Supreme Court incumbents Phil Johnson, Jeff Brown, and Chief Justice Nathan Hecht [TLR] … [read post]
20 Jul 2011, 6:59 am
Meyler Douglas NeJaime Alexander Tsesis Emily Zackin The Concurring Opinions crew plans on joining the discussion, including Lawrence Cunningham, Gerard Magliocca, Frank Pasquale, and Daniel Solove. [read post]
16 Jun 2010, 2:37 am
Professors Scott Cummings and Douglas NeJaime have published this article, arguing that the cause lawyers fighting for same-sex marriage rights have been inappropriately blamed for backlash. [read post]
1 Jul 2015, 8:22 am
Douglas NeJaime & Reva SiegelAs religious liberty objections to marriage continue to mount, what does Obergefell v. [read post]
10 Jan 2013, 9:00 am
· Jon Davidson, Lambda Legal (moderator)· Cary Franklin, University of Texas School of Law· Linda Greenhouse, Yale Law School· Douglas NeJaime, Loyola Law School, Los Angeles· Priscilla Ocen, Loyola Law School,… [read post]
8 Jan 2013, 7:00 pm
· Jon Davidson, Lambda Legal (moderator)· Cary Franklin, University of Texas School of Law· Linda Greenhouse, Yale Law School· Douglas NeJaime, Loyola Law School, Los Angeles· Priscilla Ocen, Loyola Law School,… [read post]
6 Jan 2012, 6:29 am
PANELISTS: • Carl Bogus, Roger Williams University School of Law • Courtney Cahill, Roger Williams University School of Law • Steven Calabresi, Northwestern University School of Law • William Forbath, University of Texas School of Law • Douglas NeJaime, Loyola Law School Los Angeles • Reva Siegel, Yale Law School • Lawrence Solum, Georgetown Law School • Ilya Somin, George Mason University School of Law • Mark Tushnet, Harvard Law… [read post]
1 Aug 2011, 5:29 am
Meyler Douglas NeJaime Alexander Tsesis Emily Zackin We are thrilled to have Jack Balkin aboard to participate in the discussion of his terrific book. [read post]
2 Oct 2024, 10:27 am
He is the co-author of two leading law school casebooks, Racial Justice and the Law: Cases and Materials (2016) (with co-editors Kim Forde-Mazrui, Guy Uriel Charles and Cristina Rodriguez) and Family Law in a Changing America (2nd ed. 2024) (with co-editors Douglas NeJaime, Joanna Grossman, and Suzanne Kim). [read post]
22 Oct 2022, 6:15 am
” -- Reva Siegel and Douglas NeJaime, Yale Law School“In Constructing Basic Liberties, James Fleming offers a powerful and persuasive defense of the much-maligned Supreme Court practice of recognizing unenumerated rights under the aegis of “substantive due process. [read post]
8 Jun 2012, 7:07 am
Finally, in a Los Angeles Times op-ed, Douglas NeJaime contends that “[a]lthough Perry may provide more dramatic and compelling litigation, the DOMA cases present the Supreme Court with the best way forward. [read post]
14 Jan 2014, 6:27 am
Garver Professor of Jurisprudence, Yale Law School Hayley Gorenberg, Deputy Legal Director, Lambda Legal Michael Klarman, Kirkland & Ellis Professor of Law, Harvard Law School Melissa Murray, Professor of Law, University of California - Berkeley School of Law Douglas NeJaime, Professor of Law, University of California - Irvine School of Law Angela Onwuachi-Willig, Charles M. and Marion J. [read post]
Creating Family (Law): Commentary on Eskridge and Riano’s Marriage Equality: From Outlaws to In-Laws
1 Oct 2020, 6:30 am
Doug NeJaime In their masterful book, Marriage Equality: From Outlaws to In-Laws, William Eskridge and Christopher Riano supply what will likely become the definitive account of the LGBT movement’s campaign for marriage equality. [read post]
12 Jan 2013, 10:37 am
Douglas NeJaimeFor the Conference on Liberty/Equality: The View from Roe’s 40th and Lawrence’s 10th Anniversaries The Supreme Court recently announced it will consider two cases involving marriage for same-sex couples. [read post]
26 Jan 2015, 4:56 am
” And in an op-ed for the Los Angeles Times, Douglas NeJaime contends that the cases are “about the meaning of marriage for all of us. [read post]
8 Dec 2017, 4:12 am
” Additional commentary comes from Douglas NeJaime and Reva Siegel, also at Take Care, David Gans, completing the Take Care trifecta, Rick Hills at PrawfsBlawg, and Asher Steinberg at The Narrowest Grounds, who offers a “dialogue in the form of an oral argument … in order to help clarify” “whether wedding cake and wedding cake-baking are speech, and what they express if they are. [read post]
14 Mar 2023, 1:33 pm
Douglas NeJaime (moderator) Anne Urowsky Professor of Law at Yale Law School Jennifer Levi Senior Director of Transgender and Queer Rights at GLAD Robyn M. [read post]