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18 May 2011, 6:12 am
This furlough business is a vestige of the Doyle administration. [read post]
14 Oct 2021, 10:09 am by Karen Gullo
For the complaint: For more on ALPRs: Contact: [read post]
25 Nov 2014, 8:09 am by Adam Gana
” If you invested with JP Morgan and Benjamin Doyle Maleche, please contact Gana LLP at 212-776-4251 or its managing partner at [read post]
7 Dec 2016, 5:24 am by INFORRM
In the case of Reid v Dukic [2016] ACTSC 344, a man who posted a series of Facebook posts defaming the chief executive of a Canberra football organisation has been ordered to pay her damages of $180,000. [read post]
4 Mar 2021, 5:01 am by Matthew L.M. Fletcher
Thus, “‘when it comes to Indian affairs, state courts are courts of limited jurisdiction'” (Cayuga Nation v Campbell, 34 NY3d at 296, quoting Bowen v Doyle, 880 FSupp 99, 114 [WD NY], affd 230 F3d 525 [2d Cir]). [read post]
30 Mar 2016, 11:34 am by Andrew Hamm
United States and United States Army Corps of Engineers v. [read post]
23 Jan 2014, 7:11 am by Ben
This arrangement will allow music fans to enjoy our music on Pandora while protecting our songwriters and composers".The Conan Doyle Estate Ltd., owned and run by the family of writer Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, has appealed to the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals from the lower court decision in Klinger v Conan Doyle Estate Ltd. [read post]
8 Dec 2009, 7:33 pm
New York State courts have adopted a rule known as "the Noseworthy Doctrine" (first established in the case of Noseworthy v City of New York, 298 NY 76), which permits the jury to draw an inference in favor of the dead victim of a car accident such as this one. [read post]
8 Dec 2009, 7:33 pm
New York State courts have adopted a rule known as "the Noseworthy Doctrine" (first established in the case of Noseworthy v City of New York, 298 NY 76), which permits the jury to draw an inference in favor of the dead victim of a car accident such as this one. [read post]
30 Mar 2009, 1:16 pm
On Tuesday morning, the Court will hear argument in Gross v. [read post]