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8 Aug 2021, 9:20 am by Sophie Corke
This Kat is just back from a jauntaround the IP blogsWhile the summer pause is in full swing, the IP blogosphere continues to provide its insights.CopyrightDr Elena Cooper of CREATe (University of Glasgow) considered what might be revealed about copyright history from the story one of James McNeill Whistler's paintings, 'Portrait of Lady Eden'.Over on the Kluwer Copyright Blog, the subject of what Member States might be able to learn from the AG opinion on the Polish… [read post]
2 Jul 2012, 9:04 pm by Walter Olson
’” [Conor Friedersdorf] Crise de foie: California’s ban on livers of overfed fowl results in evasion, coinage of word “duckeasy” [Nancy Friedman] In defense of policy entrepreneur Rick Berman [David Henderson] The federal definition of macaroni [Ryan Young, CEI] How food safety regulation can kill [Baylen Linneken, Reason] We’ve got a nice little town here, don’t try to grow food in it [same] And the prolific Linnekin is guest-blogging at Radley… [read post]