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8 Sep 2024, 12:57 am by Frank Cranmer
Is “English nationalism” a protected belief? [read post]
5 Sep 2024, 6:16 am by Daniel M. Kowalski
USCIS, Sept. 4, 2024 - "This notice is to tell you about a proposed Settlement Agreement of a class action lawsuit, J.O.P. et al. v. [read post]
2 Sep 2024, 4:16 am by Donald Dinnie
The court held that the term was intended to be used as a term of art in the policy and regarded it as a technical medical term rather than a word which is used in ordinary English. [read post]
30 Aug 2024, 3:53 am by Chukwuma Okoli
These originate in the English canon law as it stood in the eighteenth century and include the central requirement of the parties’ present declaration that they are married. [read post]
29 Aug 2024, 9:57 am by Mike Zamore
In Project 2025’s America, states are empowered to pass laws that force the English teacher to educate students on the benefits of slavery, or to remove all mentions of race when discussing civil rights icons like Rosa Parks. [read post]
29 Aug 2024, 3:46 am by Chukwuma Okoli
Spanning 226 pages across six chapters, the book aims to be the leading English-language text on private international law in Indonesia. [read post]
27 Aug 2024, 7:26 am by Chukwuma Okoli
Additionally, in a recent decision, the English Court of Appeal suggested that Brownlie (supra) did not limit the sources of evidence a court may rely on when determining the content of foreign law ( Soriano v Forensic News LLC [2021] EWCA Civ 1952 [64]). [read post]
19 Aug 2024, 6:31 pm
  The International Journal for the Semiotics of Law is delighted to announce the publication of Volume 37, Issue 5 - 2024, a Special Issue titled "Legal Comparison Beyond the Law in Late Rodolfo Sacco," guest edited by Elena Ioriatti and Mario Ricca. [read post]
16 Aug 2024, 8:52 am by Howard Knopf
Second, it would appear doubtful that a paywall is strictly speaking a TPM, as stated at paragraph 31. [read post]