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12 Mar 2024, 12:49 pm
The book can be purchased here with a special discount until 7 April 2024.Eleonora Rosati informed readers of the upcoming Fashion Law London event on AI in Fashion. [read post]
12 Sep 2024, 8:35 am
Last but not least, Mats Lindberg (Swedish Copyright Consultants) emphasized that authors are keen on distributing their works under fair remunerations.Mats Lindberg, Catherine Zaller Rowland, Tobias Kempas, Jan Rosén, Anita Huss Ekerhult, Susan Allen and James BennettSession D - Output of AIOur very own PermKat, Professor Eleonora Rosati (Law Faculty, Stockholm University), moderated this session, which addressed the protectability of output from legislative/historical and… [read post]
23 Jan 2024, 3:59 am
• Regulation, Innovation and Competition in Pharmaceutical Markets, by Margherita Colangelo.And the winner is:The Proportionality Test in European Patent Law (Bloomsbury)by Léon DijkmanBest Copyright Law BookThe nominations were:• Copyright and the Court of Justice of the European Union (2nd edition), by Eleonora Rosati. [read post]
9 Jun 2023, 11:14 am
At the same time, the ruling only concerned the rights of visually impaired persons and does not address other possible discriminations in the Copyright Act.The panel continued with the presentation of Eleonora Rosati. [read post]
7 Dec 2020, 11:10 pm
With speakers including Lord Justice Arnold (Justice of Appeal in the England and Wales Court of Appeal), Judge Stefan Johansson (Judge at the Swedish Patent and Market Court), Karin Cederlund (Partner at Sandart and Partners Advokatbyrå KB), and Eleonora Rosati (Associate Professor at Stockholm University and PermaKat), this event provided fascinating insight into website blocking and what we can (hope to) look forward to in the future in this highly relevant… [read post]
15 May 2019, 10:06 pm
Eleonora Rosati writes about the DSM Directive discussing How far does Article 14 go? [read post]
20 Feb 2014, 9:39 am
The two presentations were made by Cyberleagle Graham Smith (an IP/IT partner, Bird & Bird) and the IPKat's Eleonora Rosati, who is also a major contributor to the 1709 Blog.Although the title sounds quite narrow, the content of the event inevitably spilled over quite a bit from moral rights into the adjacent copyright field of economic rights, so the presentations are of wider interest than you might immediately imagine.For a British human rightscause… [read post]
12 Dec 2020, 1:29 am
OTHER IP TOPICS: IP EVENTS, AI, BLOCKING INJUNCTION, THE QUEEN’S GAMBIT The Institute for Intellectual Property and Market Law (IFIM) at Stockholm University, of which Eleonora Rosati have the honour and pleasure of being the new Director, is organizing a new event which will be held on 17 December 2020 on the topic “IFIM Holiday Seminar – Tales of the New Doctors of Law”. [read post]
12 May 2021, 6:46 am
They are (in alphabetical order):Ursula Feindor-Schmidt (Lausen)Georg Nolte (Google)Lauri Rechardt (IFPI)Julia Reda (Gesellschaft für Freiheitscrechte)Eleonora Rosati (The IPKat and IFIM)Attendance is free, but registration is required. [read post]
27 Dec 2020, 8:51 am
Other Our PermaKat Eleonora Rosati was interviewed by the Guardian with regards to a fashion feud between Givenchy and a US designer K. [read post]
11 Jul 2021, 8:55 am
These are just some of the issues that the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) addressed in YouTube, C-682/18 and Cyando, C-683/18 in its ruling on 22 June 2021.The IPKat, IFIM, and the British Literary and Artistic Copyright Association (BLACA) joined forces to host a rapid response panel discussion in the afternoon of Thursday, 1 July to analyse the content and meaning of the CJEU judgment.Moderated by Jeremy Blum (Bristows), the panel featured copyright experts and speakers… [read post]
9 Aug 2019, 7:50 am
Ananay Aguilar from University of Cambridge comments on the fair remuneration in exploitation contracts for authors and performers covering Article 18-19,20-23 of the Directive in her two-part posts (Part I , Part II ), Tatiana Synodinou from University of Cyprus offered a critical interpretation on the out of commerce works covering Article 8-11 of the same directive (Part I, Part II).In JIPLP blog, PermaKat Eleonora Rosati’s editorial for the August issue of JIPLP… [read post]
21 Sep 2023, 11:20 am
Eleonora Rosati provided a short preview from the second edition of the Copyright and the Court of Justice of the European Union which is going to be released on 5 October, concerning the potential interpretation of the notion of pastiche.Former GuestKat Mirko Brüß described the German Federal Court of Justices’ question to the CJEU: (i) is the exception for use for the purpose of pastiche within the meaning of Article 5(3)(k) of the InfoSoc Directive a… [read post]
1 May 2017, 12:37 pm
, featuring IPKat Eleonora Rosati as speaker, will take place on 5 May 2017 at the ASK (Arts, Science and Knowledge) Centre of Bocconi University in Milan. [read post]
27 Jun 2021, 1:07 am
CopyrightPermaKat Eleonora Rosati discussed the recent CJEU judgment in case C-597/19 concerning the treatment of (i) seeding under the InfoSoc Directive and of (ii) ‘trolls’ under the Enforcement Directive, as well as the interplay between copyright enforcement and data protection law (GDPR). [read post]
17 May 2017, 1:18 am
Eleonora Rosati has been promoted to Associate Professor in IP Law at the University of Southampton.Nicola Searle received an EPSRC Digital Economy Fellowship to investigate trade secrets and cyber crime. [read post]
20 Jan 2024, 11:53 am
PermaKat Eleonora Rosati will address how IP rights protect fictional characters through several case law examples, aiming to “answer whether, in the end, the only fictional thing is the notion of public domain”. [read post]
18 Jan 2021, 3:17 am
Welcome remarks by Eleonora Rosati, Professor of IP Law and IFIM Director. [read post]
26 Jan 2015, 7:47 am
No -- it's the surface of a cheese ...The venue is the London office of Reed Smith LLP at 20 Primrose Street (here) and IPKat/1709 Blog contributor Eleonora Rosati (University of Southampton) will present the case in favour of protection of sensory works. [read post]
13 Jul 2020, 5:06 am
The issues at the centre of these important referrals - on which see at greater length here and here - revolve around the key issue of whether platforms which make available user-uploaded content perform an act of communication to the public under Article 3(1) of the InfoSoc Directive.Other issues include:The availability of the hosting safe harbour in Article 14 of the E-Commerce Directive to platforms which communicate to the publicInjunctions under Article 8(3) of the InfoSoc… [read post]