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30 Nov 2012, 8:19 am by tracey
(Omega AG) (Omega Ltd.) [2012] EWHC 3440 (Ch) (30 November 2012) Cometson & Anor v Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council & Anor [2012] EWHC 3446 (Ch) (30 November 2012) High Court (Patents Court) Actavis Group HF v Eli Lilly & Company [2012] EWHC 3316 (Pat) (27 November 2012) High Court (Queen’s Bench Division) Hussain v King Edward VII Hospital [2012] EWHC 3441 (QB) (30 November 2012) O’Dwyer v ITV Plc [2012] EWHC 3321 (QB) (30 November 2012) Harries v… [read post]
5 Feb 2008, 9:26 pm
[AP] Late, but worth noting: blogger nails John Edwards's demagoguery on Nataline Sarkisyan case [Matthew Holt @ Spot-On, via KevinMD; more here and here] Puff piece on food-poisoning lawyer William Marler [AP/KOMO] Ready, set, all take offense: Sen. [read post]
12 Feb 2019, 7:19 am
Kaes, Anton, Martin Jay, and Edward Dimendberg, eds. [read post]
19 Apr 2015, 4:01 pm
As one might expect, there's a strong cast of knowledgeable speakers, including leading SPC author Christopher Brückner (Stolmár & Partner, Germany), Laëtitia Bénard (Allen & Overy, France) and Edward Oates (Carpmael & Ransford, London). [read post]
9 Jan 2023, 7:59 am by Anastasiia Kyrylenko
This Kat is happy to share with our readers her review of “Intellectual Property Objectives in International Investment Agreements”, authored by Pratyush Nath Upreti (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022, 284 pp.). [read post]
16 Feb 2016, 1:43 am
As usual, don’t worry because our friend and colleague Alberto Bellan is back with his Never Too Late feature, now on its 85th edition.This is what happened on this very blog last week:* Book Review: Indigenous Intellectual PropertyNicola reviews Edward Elgar's Indigenous Intellectual Property, which addresses IP rights (patents, trade marks, copyright, design, and related rights), in addition to privacy law and identity rights, in relation to –… [read post]
21 Nov 2011, 3:14 am by New Books Script
The Srebrenica massacre : evidence, context, politics edited by Edward S. [read post]
5 May 2011, 3:25 pm by Above the Law
Voting closes TUESDAY, MAY 10 (Elie’s birthday!) [read post]
11 Jun 2011, 6:55 am by (Peter Black) slate's @jacobwe on "Eli Pariser's The Filter Bubble: Is Web personalization turning us into solipsistic twits? [read post]
2 Sep 2021, 11:44 am by Barbara Moreno
CONTRACTS Edward Yorio and Steve Thel, Contract Enforcement: Specific Performance and Injunctions (2011). [read post]
24 Oct 2011, 2:52 am by Laura Sandwell
Human Genome Sciences Inc v Eli Lilly and Company, heard 18 July 2011. [read post]
2 Aug 2011, 12:32 pm by Mike Rappaport
Edward Corwin's famous article had certainly suggested that substantive due process was a minority view. [read post]
24 Oct 2011, 2:52 am by Laura Sandwell
Human Genome Sciences Inc v Eli Lilly and Company, heard 18 July 2011. [read post]
2 Jul 2009, 10:22 am
Craig represented the Cuban father of Elián González during the 2000 child custody dispute that ended when U.S. [read post]
25 Apr 2012, 1:22 pm by Margaret Wood
  Edward III initially did not press a claim to the throne of France but later disputes between the French and English led Edward to assert his claim and initiate the 100 Years War. [read post]