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1 Oct 2020, 11:00 am
Elizabeth Slattery is a senior legal fellow and Anastasia Boden is a senior attorney at Pacific Legal Foundation. [read post]
15 Jul 2022, 12:23 pm
Anastasia Boden is a senior attorney and Elizabeth Slattery is a senior legal fellow at Pacific Legal Foundation, a nonprofit legal organization that defends Americans’ liberties when threatened by government overreach and abuse. [read post]
19 Nov 2020, 6:59 am
But The Underlying Issue Is More Complex Than It Seems (Ciara Torres-Spelliscy, Talking Points Memo) “Dissent” Isn’t Just A Supreme Court Formality, It’s An Imperative (Anastasia Boden & Elizabeth Slattery, Independent Women’s Forum) We rely on our readers to send us links for our round-up. [read post]
29 Oct 2020, 7:50 am
(Ian Millhiser, Vox) Bringing Down Obamacare (Anastasia Boden & Elizabeth Slattery, Dissed podcast) Amy Coney Barrett Could Bring Down Decades of Anti-Discrimination Law (Chiraag Bains, Slate) The Supreme Court could end home equity theft this upcoming term (Christina Martin, Pacific Legal Foundation) LGBT+ youth must not be treated as second-class citizens (Currey Cook, Openly) Impertinent Questions: The Unusual Case of Gorsuch v. [read post]
20 Oct 2020, 7:59 am
(Charles Fried, The New York Times) Amy Barrett Is an Antidote to Our Culture of Contempt (Kathryn Jean Lopez, National Review) Scalia, Blackmun, and Religion (Anastasia Boden & Elizabeth Slattery, Dissed podcast) Supreme Court Declines Indian Gaming Case Said to Affect School Revenues (Mark Walsh, Education Week) Should Young Teens Who Commit Serious Crimes Die in Prison? [read post]
30 Nov 2020, 5:32 am
Supreme Court Hears His Claim (Nina Totenberg, NPR) The Supreme Court Must Choose Between Trump and the Constitution in the Census Case (David Gans, Slate) Trump’s plan to shift congressional seats reaches the Supreme Court (Steven Mazie, The Economist) Supreme Court considers Trump’s plan to adjust census based on immigration status (Mark Walsh, ABA Journal) Trump Administration Backs Oil Industry in SCOTUS Climate Case (Ellen Gilmer, Bloomberg Law) Open the Bar: Toward Greater Supreme… [read post]
16 Feb 2024, 12:30 pm
New on the Short Circuit podcast: The SCOTUS Ladies, Anastasia Boden and Elizabeth Slattery, join the panel to talk Humphrey's Executor and a prosecutor who won't chill on Netflix. [read post]