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26 Mar 2012, 5:45 am
On March 23, 2012, our own Emily Chan was selected by the Nonprofit Organizations Committee (Business Law Section) of the American Bar Association as the 2012 recipient of the Committee's Outstanding Nonprofit Lawyer - Young Attorney Award. [read post]
23 May 2011, 8:30 am
NEO Law Group's Emily Chan is one of the expert panelists discussing Leadership Through Board Service, a 2-hour program on Tuesday, May 24, starting at 6:15 pm, hosted by the Young Nonprofit Professionals Network of the San Francisco Bay Area (YNPNsfba). [read post]
23 Mar 2012, 5:00 am
Some big news for Emily Chan and NEO Law Group to be announced today and posted separately (stay tuned). [read post]
26 Jul 2013, 4:38 am
Have a listen to the Dixie Chick's Lullaby as you peruse this week's tweets: Emily Chan: Risk Management: Everyone’s ounce of prevention via Philanthropy Journal Law Firm for Nonprofits: As we tweeted earlier this week, if your CA nonprofit hasn't filed its FTB Forms 199, do so now. [read post]
22 Aug 2014, 5:26 am
Have a listen to Vancouver-based Marianas Trench’s Celebrity Status while perusing our curated nonprofit tweets of the week: Emily Chan: Charities Seek Their Own Ice Bucket @WSJ | >1000% increase in donations to @alsassociation La Piana Consulting: How-tos, case studies & more on nonprofit collaboration & strategic restructuring, here & here C. [read post]
30 Mar 2012, 4:41 am
A legend in nonprofit law Tom Silk was a vanguard award winner and our own Emily Chan was the only young attorney winner.] [read post]
27 Jun 2023, 9:54 am
The Michigan Law Review released its annual review of books issue. [read post]
13 Jan 2012, 8:09 am [Our own Emily Chan wrote this piece.] [read post]
14 May 2018, 4:00 am
Saddam Hossen, Children Killing by Their Parents the Recent Unscrupulous Trends in Bangladesh: A Legal Analysis from Domestic and Islamic Law Perspectives, (Feb 20, 2017).Leah Chan Grinvald, Charitable Trademarks, (Akron Law Review, Vol. 50, p. 817, 2017). [read post]
11 Nov 2014, 11:25 am
Superior Court (Chan). [read post]
9 Aug 2013, 12:45 am
Self-Perpetuating Boards Emily Chan: Five Things Your Board Can Do to Lead with Accountability and Transparency via Guidestar Boardsource Guidestar: Nonprofits! [read post]
21 Dec 2012, 5:30 am
Blue Avocado Tony Martignetti: NEW: Fundraising Fundamentals on The Chronicle of Philanthropy: How to Thank Donors w/ Emily Chan [podcast] Emily: IRS Offers Tips for Year-End Giving IRS News Gene: Charitable deduction denied for faulty receipt. [read post]
31 Aug 2012, 9:54 am
Here are some of my favorite posts of the week in the areas of nonprofit organizations, corporate governance, philanthropy, and social enterprises: Gene: Basic Board Governance Failures Stand at the Center of the Penn State Debacle - w/ Emily Chan in The Chronicle of Philanthropy Emily: Twelve Ways to Get a New Executive Director Off on the Right Foot - Blue Avocado: Foundation Center: 7 Principles for Next Generation… [read post]
3 Mar 2011, 8:00 am
- Emily Chan [read post]
28 Oct 2008, 3:32 pm
Chan (U.S.)James Y.S. [read post]
26 Sep 2013, 11:34 pm
Watch all of the speakers here Erin Bradrick: World Bank pledges $700 million by 2015 to improve health for women & children in developing nations - Foundation Center Emily Chan: Congressional Research Service report on 501(c)(3)s & Campaign Activity: Analysis Under Tax & Campaign Finance Laws Nonprofit Quarterly: Hudson Institute hosted a panel to discuss the IRS and nonprofit regulation … [read post]
11 Apr 2023, 3:02 am
Confirmed speakers include Mihaela Apostel, Pedro Arcoverde, Elizabeth Chan, Paul Cohen, Dirk De Meulemeester, David Earnest, Elizabeth Zoe Everson, Anna Guillard Sazhko, Wendy Gonzales, Emily Hay, Cemre Kadioglu Kumptepe, Creguta Leaua, Matthias Lehman, Niamh Leinwather, Aija Lejniece, Maud Piers, Colin Rule, Sean McCarthy, Sophie Nappert, Ekaterina Oger Grivnova, Pietro Ortolani, Amy Schmitz, Takashi Takashima, David Tebel, Leandro Toscano, and Dirk Van Gerven. [read post]
28 Nov 2011, 9:19 pm
Anderson and Sheila Warren Alternatives to Forming a Charitable Nonprofit: A Start-Up May Not Be in Your Client's Best Interests by Gene Takagi and Emily Chan [read post]
8 Nov 2013, 7:34 am
Have a listen to Amen - Meek Mill featuring Drake while you peruse this week's tweets: Erin Bradrick: Congress to investigate alleged financial wrongdoing at charities: WashPo La Piana Consulting: Six Tips for Building an Effective CEO / Board Chair Relationship | On the Blog Gene: Good example of the importance of disaggregated data - Widening the Lens on Boys & Men of Color - AAPIP Emily Chan: New Post: Maine Passes an Act to Streamline the Charitable… [read post]