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24 Nov 2014, 6:20 am by Alyson Grine
Emily Coward and I are glad to share a new resource with you: a reference manual entitled Raising Issues of Race in North Carolina Criminal Cases. [read post]
24 Nov 2014, 6:20 am by Alyson Grine
Emily Coward and I are glad to share a new resource with you: a reference manual entitled Raising Issues of Race in North Carolina Criminal Cases. [read post]
23 Nov 2021, 11:22 am by Emily Coward
Note from John Rubin: I regret to report that Emily Coward is leaving the School of Government. [read post]
22 Jul 2020, 7:38 am by Phil Dixon
. ___ (2020), struck down Louisiana’s practice of allowing non-unanimous jury verdicts, pointing to the law’s racist origins (Emily Coward blogged about the decision here). [read post]
2 Jun 2016, 5:49 am by Emily Coward
[Editor’s note: Emily Coward, the author of today’s post, is an attorney who works with the indigent defense education team at the School of Government. [read post]
2 Jun 2016, 5:49 am by Emily Coward
[Editor’s note: Emily Coward, the author of today’s post, is an attorney who works with the indigent defense education team at the School of Government. [read post]
21 Jan 2011, 11:56 am by (Ann Althouse)
That he blasts the “fat cats,” the “stupidly” acting police, and the limb-lopping surgeons, or that his attorney general calls the American people “cowards,” is typical, not aberrant. [read post]
29 Jul 2016, 3:00 am by SOG Staff
  Emily Coward, the author of one of those posts, says that the Batson podcast is engaging, accessible, and worth a listen (much like Beyond the Bench). [read post]
29 Jul 2016, 3:00 am by SOG Staff
  Emily Coward, the author of one of those posts, says that the Batson podcast is engaging, accessible, and worth a listen (much like Beyond the Bench). [read post]
6 Jan 2015, 4:59 am by SHG
When asked if news media outlets should obtain permission to publish an elected official’s name or reference, Shreve said, “I think media outlets are cowards and they hide behind the label of journalists and that’s a bully pulpit to expand their liberal (agenda). [read post]
20 Dec 2022, 9:39 pm by Florian Mueller
Maybe some of the free-riders and cowards will now determine that they should play a more active role next time, or change won't happen.I'm also disappointed that it often feels like there are only two people calling out those astroturfers: Epic Games CEO Sweeney, and yours truly. [read post]
18 Sep 2010, 10:35 pm by Jeff Gamso
  No need to find out if the Texas Fire Marshall, Paul Maldonado, who claims now to be using the same best science it used then (which wasn't the best science then and sure isn't now) and stands by the old results is a liar, a fool, a toady, or a coward. [read post]
11 Oct 2018, 4:09 am by John Rubin
See Baumgartner et al. at pp. 68–69; Alyson Grine & Emily Coward, Raising Issues of Race in North Carolina Criminal Cases at § 2.2 (2014). [read post]
22 Oct 2018, 4:00 am by Jeff Welty
Those interested in this issue may wish to review the discussion of race and consent in Alyson Grine and Emily Coward’s book, Raising Issues of Race in North Carolina Criminal Cases (School of Government 2014). [read post]