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23 Feb 2018, 4:22 am by Jon Hyman
  NLRB Seeking Input on Misclassification Unfair Labor Practice — via Workplace Prof Blog Do Over? [read post]
23 Feb 2018, 4:22 am by Jon Hyman
  NLRB Seeking Input on Misclassification Unfair Labor Practice — via Workplace Prof Blog Do Over? [read post]
9 Feb 2018, 4:44 am by Jon Hyman
 — via Workplace Prof Blog Avoid EEOC Trouble By Smart Hiring, Sound Procedures and Soft Skills — via TLNT Some of Us Hear You — via Kate Bischoff’s tHRive Law & Consulting Blog Nooses And the N-Word At Work: Same As It Ever Was — via FisherBroyles It’s a Plane, It’s a Bird, It’s a Bird on a Plane… What the… — via William Goren’s Understanding the ADA … [read post]
9 Feb 2018, 4:44 am by Jon Hyman
 — via Workplace Prof Blog Avoid EEOC Trouble By Smart Hiring, Sound Procedures and Soft Skills — via TLNT Some of Us Hear You — via Kate Bischoff’s tHRive Law & Consulting Blog Nooses And the N-Word At Work: Same As It Ever Was — via FisherBroyles It’s a Plane, It’s a Bird, It’s a Bird on a Plane… What the… — via William Goren’s Understanding the ADA … [read post]
1 Feb 2018, 10:52 am
  The global dimension of CSR promotes human rights, good working conditions, environmental sustainability and anti-corruption. [read post]
24 Jan 2018, 3:55 am by Edith Roberts
At the Environmental Law Prof Blog, Dave Owen is unsurprised by Monday’s decision in National Association of Manufacturers v. [read post]
19 Jan 2018, 4:30 am by Jon Hyman
 — via Evil HR Lady, Suzanne Lucas The “Signaling” Effect of Raising Minimum Wage Laws — via Workplace Prof Blog Untangling Confusion about FLSA Exemptions for Highly Compensated Employees — via Michigan Employment Law Advisor Labor Labor Board Shakeup Could Centralize Control Over Cases — via Bloomberg BNA NLRB’s General Counsel Issues Guidance Following Board’s PCC… [read post]
1 Dec 2017, 11:31 am by Matthew Scott Johnson
Brie Sherwin’s article Chocolate, Coca-Cola, and Fracturing Fluid is cited in Case study: Bisphenol-A, Rodgers Environmental Law, 2d. [read post]
1 Dec 2017, 4:32 am by Jon Hyman
 — via Above the Law Against Secret Settlements — via ADR Prof Blog How Should You Respond to a Racist or Sexist Customer? [read post]
1 Nov 2017, 4:04 am by SHG
So there are no details, the official law enforcement investigation “arose” after The Dartmouth noted the profs disappearance from campus, and the New York Times decided this was about sexual misconduct in the absence of any information? [read post]
10 Sep 2017, 8:52 am by Smita Ghosh
She is also editor of the Gender and the Law Prof Blog. [read post]
8 Aug 2017, 4:58 pm by Jamie Baker
Redden on MODERN DICTIONARY FOR THE LEGAL PROFESSION was cited by Urban environment and cultural heritage, 2 COMPARATIVE ENVIRONMENTAL LAW & REGULATION § 35:20. 10. [read post]
3 Jul 2017, 8:43 am by Steve Lubet
  Like it or not, the law in the U.K., and in most democratic countries, requires public access to government documents, including the data underlying publicly funded research studies. [read post]