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14 Nov 2012, 9:18 pm
This month's edition of the employment law blog carnival was hosted by the man who started it all, Attorney Eric B. [read post]
29 Jul 2010, 12:02 pm by Evan Schaeffer
From Law Technology News: "How Facebook Can Make or Break Your Case," by Eric B. [read post]
2 Jan 2009, 9:02 pm
More on EFCA's real kicker, compulsory arbitration [Jackson Lewis, h/t Eric B. [read post]
21 Sep 2017, 2:58 am by Walter Olson
“Before you fire that political extremist…” [Robin Shea, Eric B. [read post]
1 Mar 2013, 4:00 am
@chaifeldblum Is there a hashtag for tweeting comments ;)-- Eric B. [read post]
12 Jun 2013, 5:00 am
And if I may offer one piece of advice: A2: If there are particular people with whom you would like to network, schedule time BEFORE you get to #SHRM13 // #nextchat-- Eric B. [read post]
20 Jan 2023, 7:26 am by Daniel Barry
French, OhioVice Chair: Carter Lawrence, Tennessee Health Insurance & Managed Care (B) Committee Chair: Anita G. [read post]
8 Dec 2023, 3:30 am by Jon Hyman
Your Auntie’s Take on the State of Social Advocacy Work in Craft Beer — via Crafted for All An Employment Law Checklist for Your Holiday Parties — via Dan Schwartz's Connecticut Employment Law Blog This is what a settlement with the EEOC looks like after they sue for discrimination — via Eric Meyer's The Employer Handbook Blog NLRB Delays Effective Date of Joint-Employer Standard — via HR Daily… [read post]
5 May 2023, 3:35 am by Jon Hyman
The lounge is located on the 3rd floor of the Music City Center, centrally across from the Expo entrance at Hall B-C. [read post]
16 May 2012, 4:14 am by Brennan W. Bolt
Okeefe of The Labor & Employment Report Federal Court Invalidates Ambush Election Rules, Dealing NLRB Yet Another Setback by Mark Theodore of Labor Relations Update That was fast: Court voids NLRB "quickie" union-election rulesby Eric B. [read post]
1 Sep 2017, 3:30 am by Eric B. Meyer
”) and colorful quotes ([T]he ruling is largely “beating a dead horse,” according to Eric B. [read post]