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3 Nov 2022, 7:01 am by Kyle Hulehan
Key Findings Carbon leakage occurs when a climate policy in one jurisdiction leads to emissions-producing activity simply shifting to a different jurisdiction. [read post]
19 Sep 2011, 9:36 am by Schachtman
With the exception of a few evidence scholars, Federal Rule of Evidence 703 is ignored or misunderstood in practice. [read post]
22 May 2020, 3:00 am by Jim Sedor
National/Federal Appeals Court Greenlights Emoluments Suit against Trump Politico – Josh Gerstein | Published: 5/14/2020 A lawsuit accusing President Trump of violating the Constitution by accepting foreign government money through his Washington, D.C. hotel can proceed to fact-gathering about Trump’s profits, a federal appeals court ruled. [read post]
3 May 2022, 1:55 am by Kevin Kaufman
Key Findings Federal policymakers are debating a legislative package focused on boosting U.S. competitiveness vis-a-vis China; however, it currently contains little to no improvements to the U.S. tax code. [read post]