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23 Jan 2009, 6:30 am
Stevens, No. 5:05-CV-33-BO(1) Decision and Order (Mar. 17, 2008), aff'd Order (E.D.N.C. [read post]
3 Oct 2014, 7:40 am
The proposed S.2101 would amend the Interstate Land Sales Full Disclosure Act, which was used by some depositors as a tool to escape regrettable real estate contracts after the market crashed. [read post]
18 Jun 2010, 2:59 am by John Steele
This New York appellate decision says that estates have standing to sue lawyers for malpractice in the negligent devising of the estate. [read post]
8 Apr 2010, 1:04 pm by Julia O'Donnell
The current economic downturn, combined with the increased cost of real estate, has accelerated the demise of the print law firm library collection. [read post]
19 Apr 2019, 11:14 am by Patrick Eckerd
The suit also focuses on the $2.58 spinoff of real estate opened up by closing Sears locations into the Seritage real estate investment trust. [read post]
28 Oct 2009, 12:07 pm by Marx Sterbcow
UPDATED at 10:39 PM: Assistant Secretary of Housing David Stevens informed me that there will not be a delay in the implementation of the Jan. 1, 2010 RESPA rule. [read post]
16 Aug 2009, 10:53 am by Patti Spencer
Also, Steven Blair, attorney for Wilson Bucher has also raised a claim based on an oral contract to make a will. [read post]
28 Oct 2009, 12:07 pm
UPDATED at 10:39 PM: Assistant Secretary of Housing David Stevens informed me that there will not be a delay in the implementation of the Jan. 1, 2010 RESPA rule. [read post]
12 Mar 2009, 10:02 am
I represented Steven Bacon’s estate and the Ziff Law Firm managed to settle for the insurance policy limits for the drivers who were responsible for his death. [read post]