Your search Evelyn Randall, Emma Matthews, Archie Morse, Minnie Miller,by Her Next Friend, Viola Liskey, on Behalf of Themselvesand All Others Similarly Situated, and Maggie Lamb, Pompeywingo, Rachel Wingo and William E. Smith, Appellees, v. William L. Lukhard, Comm. of the Commonwealth of Va Dept. Ofwelfare, Dr. James B. Kenley, Comm. of Health for Thecommonwealth of Va, and Dr. Freeman C. Hays, Dir. of Vamedical Assistance Program, Appellants,andrichard Schweiker, Sec. H & H Services, Amicus Curiae.evelyn Randall, Emma Matthews, Archie Morse, Minnie Miller,by Her Next Friend, Viola Liskey, on Behalf of Themselvesand All Others Similarly Situated, and Maggie Lamb, Pompeywingo, Rachel Wingo and William E. Smith, Appellants, v. William L. Lukhard, Comm. of the Commonwealth of Va Dept. Ofwelfare, Dr. James B. Kenley, Comm. of Health for Thecommonwealth of Va and Dr. Freeman C. Hays, Dir. of Vamedical Assistance Program, Appellees,andrichard Schweiker, Sec. H & H Services, Defendant did not match any document.