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10 Mar 2016, 7:45 pm by Roger Stelk
For example, if one party is entitled to part of their spouse’s 401(k), they will have no control over how it is invested or if the ex-spouse borrows money from it until his or her money is moved out of that account. [read post]
18 Jan 2016, 8:41 pm by JD Hull
Ex-Speaker John Boehner is from the eastern suburb next door. [read post]
28 Dec 2015, 2:51 am by Ben
Also in the USA, Andrus Nomm, a 36 year old Estonian who lives in the Netherlands, and one of a small group of ex MegaUpload staffers who are facing extradition to the US for involvement in the running of the controversial file-transfer company, pleaded guilty to criminal copyright infringement charges was been sentenced to a year and a day in a US prison. [read post]
23 Dec 2015, 11:20 am by Venkat Balasubramani
Smith-Green Mortuary Sciences College Student Disciplined for Threatening Facebook Posts–Tatro v. [read post]
13 Dec 2015, 4:01 pm
.* Are the DTSA's ex parte seizure powers the Anton Piller Order's evil American cousin? [read post]
3 Dec 2015, 12:25 pm by John Elwood
United States ex rel. [read post]
17 Nov 2015, 12:34 am
  * My detergent product is green, but don't tell anyoneStarting from a nice story on Eco-friendly detergents, Neil reflect over the evolution of green-branded products and their public's perception. [read post]
13 Nov 2015, 2:30 am
Not OK(4) Ex ante lump sum remuneration that only takes into account copying speed not OK. [read post]
23 Oct 2015, 10:05 am by John Elwood
Both cases ask whether the Federal Circuit’s two-part test for enhancing patent infringement damages is valid in light of Octane Fitness, LLC v. [read post]
20 Sep 2015, 3:47 pm by Sabrina I. Pacifici
In early 2013, Ex Libris Group started to add institutional repositories to Primo Central Index (PCI), their mega-aggregation of hundreds of millions of scholarly e-resources. [read post]
7 Aug 2015, 8:36 am by Rebecca Tushnet
  Hunches weren’t bad things unless rationalized ex post. [read post]
30 Jul 2015, 10:38 am by Woodruff Family Law Group
After e-filing, the Ex-Parte hearing will be via remote from the FJC into the Courtroom. [read post]