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18 Jun 2019, 6:00 am by Guest Blogger
   As I note in the book, befitting their status as (ex?) [read post]
18 May 2019, 9:27 am by MOTP
Because the record does not contain this evidence, we affirm the court of appeals' judgment in part, reverse as to the award of attorney's fees, and remand the case to the trial court for further proceedings.I. [read post]
4 May 2019, 12:39 pm by MOTP
Citibank, the Fourteenth Court of Appeals, which also sits in Houston and lords over the same trial courts in ten surrounding counties, did not merely hold that use of credit card and payments to account demonstrated existence of contract (thus ruling against the Defendant on that issue), but also reversed the judgment in part because the bank had not adduced any evidence of what the variable interest rate was at the relevant time (thereby sustaining one of the Defendant’s complaints… [read post]
26 Apr 2019, 9:53 am by MOTP
Because the record does not contain this evidence, we affirm the court of appeals' judgment in part, reverse as to the award of attorney's fees, and remand the case to the trial court for further proceedings. [read post]
10 Apr 2019, 9:30 pm by Mitra Sharafi
Islam v Secretary of State for the Home Department, R v Immigration Appeal Tribunal and Another, ex parte Shah (1999) Nora Honkala72. [read post]
17 Feb 2019, 9:45 am
These lectures were part of a community-wide effort in Harlem to learn and value the history of African Americans and their contribution to American history. [read post]
11 Feb 2019, 3:42 pm
(To be clear: the word 'malpractice' doesn't exist anywhere in the opinion, but I'm just reading between the lines for a possible explanation for how this case came to be; pure speculation and opinion, obviously.)So the attorney files an ex parte request, which the trial court denies, without prejudice to a noticed motion. [read post]
10 Feb 2019, 4:05 pm by INFORRM
 He also granted an order for the disclosure of the identity of any journalists, press, media organisations, agents or publicists or third party to whom the defendant has disclosed any part of the information in question with a view to publication. [read post]
29 Jan 2019, 4:08 pm by INFORRM
  Finally, an additional 10% in damages – £5,040.50 – was ordered pursuant to CPR 36.17(4)(d) as Ms Suttle had achieved a more advantageous result than a Part 36 offer of settlement made at the point the claim was issued. [read post]
19 Nov 2018, 4:42 am by SHG
Yet he was, and his almost-ex-wife is dead because of it. [read post]
However, he reiterated his confidence in Justice Robert Jackson’s Youngstown framework as a means of understanding the relationship between the respective constitutional authorities of Congress and the executive branch. [read post]
2 Aug 2018, 11:53 pm by Jim Sedor
It also doubled from one to two years the time ex-officials must wait before lobbying the city or working as a contractor. [read post]
28 Jul 2018, 6:45 am by Embajador Microjuris al Día
El último enjuiciamiento exitoso ocurrió en 2010, cuando un ex policía estatal de Alabama fue declarado culpable por homicidio involuntario por el asesinato de Jimmie Lee Jackson, un activista negro de Alabama. [read post]
13 Jul 2018, 3:45 pm
The last were its 1944 decisions in Ex Parte Endo, which avoided deciding the constitutional question, and Korematsu v. [read post]
13 Jul 2018, 12:45 pm
Instead, what is true is that American mainstream media has been much less willing to actually cover the concerns of the BLM in part because it has been consumed by the daily catastrophes of the Trump presidency. [read post]